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Day 5 after stage 2 InterStim surgery

I hope you will share!

I have had to turn up my InterStim every day for the past 3 days.  It is working and things are much better but I am still suffering more than I should be with the OAB (overactive bladder).  As far as any leaking, that is gone after yesterdays turn up.

It will take some time to fine tune the settings but so far this seems to be working great.  I only want to turn it up one setting per day because I want this to work on its lowest possible setting for me.  If I turn it up too much it may be able to work at a lower setting and I don’t want to start out too high.

I can’t feel it at all.  The pain in the hip/butt is going away and I actually sat through a movie yesterday.  I had to shift about 5-6 times but I did manage to sit.  At the end of the day I was a bit sore but nothing I needed a big pain killers for.  Took a little ibuprofen and went to bed and slept great.

Overall I am happy with it.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (2)

  • I'm having this done in a few hours and appreciate your posts. I'm apprehensive but encouraged by your experiences. I'm a male, so I assume it is very similar. Thanks again! P.S. How are you doing now?

  • I am ding awesome. I have been doing P90X and am starting week 8 today and my only complaint is that I do notlike doing the rolling onto the back hip stuff during yoga and abs!

    I have had a lot of tunig issues but that comes with the territory. Everyone needs is tuned differently.

    So far so good!

    Please keep me posted on your progress!

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