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Different ways to burn 200 calories!

I hope you will share!

Found this post from another blog called Lily Boxing

I asked her if I could post it on here since it fits into my blog perfectly and she said YES! She will have part 2 up tomorrow so I am posting part 1 on this blog and please head over to her blog to get part two. Or you could simply stop by and leave her a lovely comment that you found her from my blog and you want to say Hello!

Enjoy her wonderful post on how many different ways there are to burn 200 calories!

Lily Boxing post:
10 Ways to Burn 200 Calories (*based on a 135lb woman)
Try these out and in case you couldn’t guess after reading….number 6 is my FAVORITE!!

1. Get into the swing of things. Take your stress out at the driving range. Just 62 minutes at the driving range burns those calories away. Ready to take on 9 or 18 holes…skip the cart and walk. You’ll burn 5l0% more calories per minute.

2. Meet in a dark alley. Bowling Alley that is. In 90 minutes of fun with your friends you’ll roll off 200 calories, skip your light beer-you can do it in an hour!

3. Go Green. Ride your bike to run your errands. In just 23 minutes of peddling or 4.6 miles you burn off those 200 calories!

4. Strike a pose. Try Vinyasa yoga. This type of yoga moves you fluidly from pose to pose, burning more than 7 calories per minute. 29 minutes….200 calories GONE!

5. Rub-a-dub-dub. Take a 2 mile walk with you puppy (about 40 minutes), come home and give him a 10 minute bath, then treat yourself to a 15 minute bubble bath and you’ve burned 200 calories!

6. Build Your Own Boot Camp. Try this 30 Minute Circuit from Ruben Belliard, co-owner of Warrior Fitness Boot Camp in New York City. All you need is a pencil, paper, watch, a chair and a set of dumbbells with a weight heavy enough so that your 10th rep is tough, but not impossible.

Warm Up for 5 minutes, doing your choice of cardio

Do each of the following for 1 minute each, pausing long enough to jot down the number of reps you did

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Push Ups

3. Crunches

4. Bicep Curls with dumbbells

5. Lunges

6. Overhead Press-holding a dumbbell in each hand

7. Squats

8. Planks

9. Tricep Dips on a chair

10. Mountain Climbers-in push up position

Then repeat, trying to complete even more reps the second circuit.

Cool Down for 5 minutes

7. Leave Town. You’ll burn 200 calories before you arrive by taking 4 minutes total to carry your suitcases to the car, then to baggage drop (hauling a 25lb load burns 4.8 cals per min), then read while sitting on the 3 hour plane ride, burning the rest! You burn a little more than 1 calorie a minute simply sitting!

8. Sock It To An Avatar. Of course you could jump into a real ring and box it out, but you’ll make out just as well minus the bruises or broken nose with Wii Sports! Set up an avatar that you want to use as a punching bag and start throwing punches! In just 26 minutes, you’ve relieved stress and burned 200 calories.

9. Be Rakish. In the fall spend 26 minutes raking the leaves in your yard you’ve burned 120 calories. 15 minutes hauling them to the compost and you’ve burned another 80!

10. Plunge Right In. Take a scuba lesson! In 27 minutes of scuba you torch 200 calories. Not sold yet? Diving burns more calories per minute than working the elliptical (7.5 vs. 7), you feel weightless while working out. Not to mention the most air tight excuse to hop on a plane to a tropical place!

Visit Lily’s Blog!

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