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Facing the new 2011 year with a positive attitude!

I hope you will share!

This post has been in “draft” for a few weeks and I totally forgot about it.  I think I found it this week because I needed to read it again to pump myself up so posting it now!

I learned a lot in 2010 about myself, others, and what the law of attraction can do for me.  It has been a slow process but it least it has been a process!  I have seen many times over, how my attitude change from negative to positive is bringing me more and helping with all aspects in my life, especially my relationships.

It has been hard to friend weed and get rid of the negative influences in my life, at first, but after I did it, I felt no regrets!

I a in live with love and feeling good and that is my resolution for NOT the new year, but for the rest of my life!  I made this resolution months ago and have continued on the positive path. 

I need to remember on those days that I still struggle “it’s OK this is just a bump, get over it and move on!”  Sometimes frustrations can steer us off the path we are meant to be on and it is how we handle it and move back on the path we are suppose to be on.

Happy New Year to all in my life!  Thank you to my wonderful followers.  I love to hear your stories, concerns, opinions etc.  I hope that life brings you joy and happiness and that we get to share, love and be friends forever!

Thank you to the universe for bringing me to Joe Vitale who was the one that really got me excited to make this life change.  Joe if you ever find yourself attracted to my blog thanks!

Update on my vision poster: I had to hang it myself because you know how long it takes husbands to do something, right? Anyway, a few times this week I have been frustrated and turned the corner and BAM that poster is right in my face! i immediately stop and read it and tell myself to “chill out.” and it does really make me feel better!

Attached it again just in case you missed the last post. Best thing I have done in a while, it’s really helping!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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  • I wanted to stop by and say Thank You! Thanks to you, and reading your blog, I sat down and watched the video of "The Secret" a few weeks ago. Never heard of it before. After that and following your blog I have made some changes in my life and living in a positive attitude. I started a blog too about this journey. If I had not stop by and read your blog I would have never learned about "The Secret" Thank you, thank you and thank you.

    My blog:
    My Secret To Prosperity

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