Categories: Daily RoutineMood ChangersMy Daily Herbs

How I help myself get a better attitude/mood.

I hope you will share!

I have had hormone issues my whole life and it can make for one honary, crabby, moody female. Yes that was me…and I said “WAS.”

There have been many things I have been doing over the past couple years but there are a handful that have turned into daily MUSTS for me. I will share them with you.

1. Exercise

2. Vitamins & Minerals

3. Herbs

4. Positive Affirmations and self-talk

5. Daily Grateful List

6. Time for self

7. Making lists

8. Eating Healthy

And these are just a few!

I will post about these as I see fit but today’s post is about my FAVORITE Herb that has helped with my pissy mood I used to have. Ask my Mom, she used to tell me that I was too negative all the time. At the time I thought she was so wrong and it made me so mad…now…I believe here 200%.

Eating a healthy balanced diet with a variety of food is the number one way, in my opinion, to change your mood and be healthy. I do this one pretty well but it was not quite enough for me.

My hormone levels have always been really off. I would have 2 periods a month. I would menstruate for 7-9 days every 14 days, it was awful. I was tired and moody all the time. I had PMS constantly. I never did grow out of it. In fact, now that I am done having kids, I still do it.

I have had doctors put me on pills for progesterone and estrogen before. When I was on birth control I was a bit better but still very irregular, just not as heavy, but my hormone levels were still off and I was very touch and angry.

I went off the pill and had an endometrial ablation done (link will take you to my Hub about the surgery) the BEST decision I made in years…I love it!

I started getting into herbs and found this product called Women’s Peace O/U. My good friend in Utah actually sells it and he got me to try it.

Of course I am a very skeptic person and honestly did not “buy” into it, but a free bottle…I will try it.

I started taking one in the morning and one at dinner. The dosage recommended was three a day but I have a very low tolerance to anything I take and usually only have to take half.

I honestly noticed a difference in 3 days. I am not kidding…

I do not grind my teeth as much which is something I have been doing for years.

I have not been yelling at my kids as much. Something I am not proud of, I am a yeller as I have a short temper, but I find myself hardly doing it anymore.

I am not stressing as much on payday, the days I pay all the bills. I am also not a husband hater like I used to be. I love my husband but boy oh boy can he push my buttons…YES, more then anyone. There are so many times I would think, one day I will just leave. I am not kidding and I really have never told him that. I have SERIOUSLY not even thought of that since I started taking this.

This has just made me calmer and less stressful and I LOVE it!

Now I do take the 3 recommended capsules per day. The third one just added a better outcome for me and I need it.

The best thing is that it is all natural. It is not a drug. I don’t like drugs. I don’t like the feeling of being out of it all day and looking like a zombie but all natural herbs are definitely OK in my book.

Anyway, I love this and if you are interested in seeing the supplement facts and reading more about this product I have included the link within all the images and also here!

I hope you have a nice and peaceful day!

The best herbal store for women’s peace:



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