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I WILL finish Yoga today, and I WILL like it!

I hope you will share!

I have been on a weight loss journey for 15 months and have started the P90X work outs and am in week 2. I love them all, even though they kick my butt except for the Yoga X. Ugh that is so hard and I have to say that I only made it 60 of the 90 minutes last Thursday. If you would like to see that post form last week with my awesome pictures and even more awesome video of me doing it, check out my weight loss blog post here http://tawnasplan.blogspot.com/2011/02/p90x-day-4-yoga-x-and-omg.html

I am stating an intention today!

I appreciate and am grateful for so many things and today I am especially grateful for my wonderful weight loss success! I am especially grateful that my body is able to go through these awesome P90X work outs and am excited an motivated to do the full 90 minutes Yoga X today!

I can and will do it in its entirety and I will feel great and will be stronger when I am finished.

I will have a positive attitude and appreciate the fact that I am able to do this today and seek wonderful results fro it!


I did it , I did it, I DID IT!

I just finished the full 909 minutes of Yoga X and I am so stinking proud of myself!

I kept saying in my head over and over “I love this work out, it makes me feel great!” There were a dozen times as I was sitting in downward facing dog position I could hear that little voice in my head say “ah this hurts, I want to….” and then I would fore myself and say “keep going!” Then I would say out loud “This work out rocks and will make me strong!” I am serious when I say about a dozen times I had to do this but it worked.

At 45 minutes left, of the DVD, I stopped and paused the DVD and stood there thinking, “I could so totally stop this and blog that I made it and no one would know.” After about 10 minutes of pacing the floor I looked into the bathroom mirror and said “you are strong damn it get your ass back in there and finish cuz YOU will know!” I went back in a finished the last 45 minutes of the DVD.

I actually like the last 45 minutes better then the first 45 minutes anyway. I would have never known that if I did not go back in and finish.

So I DID IT! Yay me!

Tawna the Yoga Queen for the day!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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