Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsBeachbody reviews from a NON COACHWorkout DVDs


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I have had to totally take Insanity out of my workouts DVDs and I gave it to my niece. I have said before that this workout is NOT for the Non Fit or even the Semi Fit…it is for the FIT! This is why i had to get rid of it.

Even when I was really fit, before my shoulder injury, this workout killed me. Well not literally but you know what I mean.

It is tough and my shins just will not take it. I got shin splints halfway through before and I am getting them again and I am only doing the workout here and there in my 40-workout regimen. So Insanity is out and gone.

If you don’t have shin problems and you are already fit then this workout would most likely be perfect for you. For those of us that are not extremely fit, or getting older and joint issues are apparent, I don’t recommend it!

So this took a few workouts out of the 40-workout pile but oh well…I can still get fit with what I have!

Have a great day!

Check out Insanity buying options below!

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