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Just LISTEN don’t tell me how bad you have it?!!!

I hope you will share!

OK so this is my vent today. I am going to get it out and then I am going to move on and get the negative out of my head!
I listen to you all the time damn it, I let you vent, tell me about your day,, whatever, I let you talk and I LISTEN! So when I need to vent please don’t turn the conversation back on to you (and in about 2 minutes).
This is my advice from one friend to another.
When someone calls you and needs to vent, don’t say “oh that’s like the time” or “this always happens to me” or whatever else we sometimes say to make it about us. That is find every now and then but you know what I want to hear. NOTHING for a few minutes and then say “I am so sorry, I have nothing to say except I don’t blame you for being upset because that just plain sucks, should we go get a drink?” Perfect!
Whew! Off my chest.
I know I have been guilty of this in the past. It was a couple of years ago that I found myself doing this A LOT. I made a commitment to myself to try and quit and I have to say I am probably a 60/40 now and use to be about a 20/80 so I am better, but still a work in progress.
I think that the reason why “I” did this and maybe others fall into this is that we just don’t have the right thing to say or we don’t know what to say so we think that if we tell everyone what we have done that it makes it better. Sometimes it does help to know others go through things but if you want to say “I have been there” can you leave it at that and not steer the entire 30 minute conversation over to YOU!
OK, now onto the positive. I have let it out, now I am moving on. Taking care of my things today in the lovely snowy cold weather, but I really need the new tires put on my car. We have had a ton of rain and snow this winter, but on the positive side we should have a ton of water this spring and summer so my garden should grow beautifully!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Oh and doing some bog hopping this weekend, come link up. The Fiend new friends weekend hop is mine!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (10)

  • Brilliant post, and so true! It's amazing how people can turn the conversation round to themselves, when, sometimes, you are the one with the real problem! As you say, perhaps it's because they don't really know what to say. I'm sure a lot of people will be agreeing with this post tawna! Hope you have a great weekend.

  • I know u have been guilty of this, too. And if you are going through something rough, I'm so sorry. Love ya!

  • I agree great post. Some people are so very egocentric and nothing will ever change that.

    Following you back btw :) x

  • Hi! I'm just stopping by to let you know your blog was chosen to be this weeks featured co-host for Monday's McHoppin' Monday blog hop. If you want to grab the links code on Monday and add it to your site you are more than welcome too. You will be featured in the hop post and your button will be under my sponsors section all week!

  • Amen, sister! Stopping by from the Crazed Fan hop...and I couldn't agree with you more! This makes me nuts.

    Kristin :)

  • nutter sisters:
    that is stinking hilaious. thanks for the chuckle today i so needed that

  • Great Post!

    Sorry, I'm behind...computer issues, ugh! Thanks for following my blog! I'm now following you back :) Hope to see you again soon! Happy Blogging :)

    Thanks Bunches, Misty
    Misty's Thoughts Too

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