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Missed my workout yesterday so doubling up today!

I hope you will share!

I am not going to make a habit of this but I was so tired yesterday and something was up with my stomach that I just could not workout. I tried for a few minutes but the cramping was so bad that working out made it worse.

So this is my plan for today!

Yesterday was suppose to be Legs & Back and then AB Ripper and today is Kenpo X. I am going to do the legs and back here in a few minutes when my son goes down for his nap. Later tonight I am going to do the Kenpo when I put the kids to bed at 8pm. kenpo is my favorite of all of them so far so I am keeping this for later when I may not feel up to it as much.

I don’t suggest doubling up on these very much but I feel much better today after my great night of sleep so today I am going to tackle my two workouts!

It is way to easy to get into excuse habits and I am afraid  that if I do not push myself today then it will be easier to slack again later!

Have a good day lovely readers and Happy exercising!

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