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My own positive thoughts.affirmations today!

I hope you will share!

It has been raining for weeks and I saw on the weather channel this morning that we are CLOSE to our record for rain fall. It has been depressing so I am saying out loud and thinking my own positive thoughts today.

I thought my herbs were dead because I planted them and then it froze for a week and they are not dead!

“Thank you rain for bringing my herbs back to life so I can cook FRESH and HEALTHY!”-Tawna

“Thank you rain for giving me a lot of cuddling time with my hubby and kids over the past couple of weeks. Rainy days are awesome for tons of cuddle time and we have bonded more in the last few weeks then ever!?-Tawna

Have a great day and remember that every season has it’s reason!

Now if I can only figure out why blogger will not allow me to add ANY html picture code today, life would be perfect!

Anyone know why?


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (4)

  • I'm glad your herbs made it through! I left mine out all winter and all but the rosemary made it!

    And thanks for the positive spin on rainy days - they do allow for more cuddle time!

    And, finally, I was having problems loading pics, too. Out of the five I wanted to download into a post last night, only three made it through. Hmm...

  • Alicia:
    I did not realize that herbs were such fighters!

    My pics were all due to internet explorere 9. I went back to IE 8 last night and everything worked. Blogger does seem to take a long time to load and times out a lot and there are days it takes me 2-3 times to load pics. sigh......

  • Hi! I'm here on the Cup of Joe Blog Hop. I'm following you and hope you will come follow me too!

  • I'm stopping by from the Thursday Cup of Joe hop! Already a follower but I wanted to invite you to our first Super Stalker Sunday blog hop! It's up early to get the word out! We'd love for you to linkup!

    Happy Thursday!


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