Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDsWorkout with InsterStim

Next workout was Winsor Pilates

I hope you will share!

I have had the Winsor Pilates series, actually a few of them, for years. However, when I had my InterStim implant I quit doing them. The reason is for the same reason I posted about the P90X Ab Ripper. I had a harder floor and the Yoga mats are not thick enough to cushion the back hip, where my implant is. It just hurt too much so I shelved the Pilates for a lot of years.

However, this shag carpet in the basement does wonders for the hip issue and I was able to do the entire 20 minute workout and I am not sore at all on the implant…super cool! I don’t think that carpet is ideal for workouts and when I get to build my dream house, the workout room will be wood floor. So I have decided that I will just keep a nice peace of soft carpet to go underneath my mat.

But let’s digress back to today…

I do love the pilates workouts.  They are night high intense, bouncy workouts. They are stretching and use the core like no other. I could feel my core being used more during pilates then I did during P90X ab ripper. And the stretching is awesome. I know from past experience and education that stretching tones and lengthens the muscles. So if you don’t want to lift weights to gain nice lean and long muscles then pilates and yoga are a great way to do that. However, I am NOT a Yoga fan so I will do it with Pilates…lol

Amway, I am happy to do this workout again. If you have never tried the Winsor Pilates series I would recommend it.

Have agreat  day!

See you next time!

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