Categories: Political

The not easily offended…offended!

I hope you will share!

This has been on my mind for years. Today it get’s pout on here.

I’m a LEGAL immigrant.

I played by the rules and came here and made myself legal.

I support immigration laws because I understand them.

I don’t expect to live off a country for free, I expect equality and when you tell one person they need to come into the country legally then ALL people should come into this country legally. It’s called consistency.

I did it the right way, so why shouldn’t everyone who wants to live in this country have to do it the right way?

No other country would allow illegal immigrants to have free health care and welfare. Not even Canada  where every threatened to jump too. Trust me I came from there, not happening peeps.

From someone who has actually been through the lines and tests to make the US their home, I am tired of those who have not had to do it, advocating for those that don’t want to do it. It makes me feel as though they don’t care how hard I had to work to be proud to be a citizen. Frankly I am offended and I don’t get offended by much of anything. Why does this offend me? Well if you tell one of your children that they have to clean their room and the second child never has to, would that be fair? Then you never give credit to the child that cleans the room. That makes child one mad and child two entitled. No difference then the non-consistent immigration.

I was in College and made $3.35 an hour and I paid for my citizenship and never expected anyone to do it for me. I got up at 6:30 in morning and stood in the INS line to be seen between 8:00-10:00 am…3-times. Mind you the line was outside the building, not inside and the security worker was mean, very mean. She was downright rude to me and this German lady that happened to be in line with me twice.

I filled out the forms twice (they lost my first round).

I studied the test.

I passed the test.

I got sworn in.

I am a citizen.

I don’t side with the Right or the Left I am independent. I speak up for what I know and believe. I have been HERE! I am an immigrant. I am a LEGAL immigrant. Unless you have been here, you shouldn’t have a voice. There are thousands of legal immigrants, just like me, that believe in boarder laws because we get it. I have met many just like me.

Trump may be an ass hat but this believe goes way before Trump for me. I have believed this from the beginning. Since the late 1980’s when I started the legal process when I became the age when my Green Card was to expire. I remember very vividly telling my friends and colleagues that I needed to go through the legal immigration process if I wanted to receive all the benefits the US would offer me with citizenship. I knew this in my early 20’s. Never once did I think I could do this without doing any work. I was not taught that way.

I don’t say much political stuff on this blog but this point offends me to a very great deal.

Again, I don’t love Trump at all. This is not a pro Trump post this is Pro Legal Immigrant post. Regardless of who is President this should be the LAW, oh wait it is the LAW. I will give Trump one pro here. He did say he would only deport ILLEGAL immigrants. That was said time-and-time again on his web site and in the debates. So for those that I see spreading that opposite on social media, check the facts (and not on your biased pages). I watched every debate on both sides, every min. I went to each candidate’s web site. Both Hillary and Trump are not good for America. But I did hear and see time-and-time again that he said “ILLEGAL” not “LEGAL” immigrants. So that is that gripe.

Quit offending those of us that did it right. We knew what we had to do and did it. I saved for 6-months to pay for it. I was in College and btw, was, and still am paying for College myself. If you know something is right you do it the right way.

There is the one and only political post you will read on here. I have been festering this for a while, deep in my gut, and this blog let me vent it out.

I am a LEGAL immigrant that supports the immigration laws. Don’t agree with me? That is fine. But unless you weren’t born in the US and had to go through the process you don’t understand what it takes. It is really not that hard, it just takes a lot of patience.

Oh and when you get your paperwork they give you the questions and the answers for the test, so the rumor(s) it is hard, it isn’t that hard. It was very easy actually. All you have to do is memorize.

Thanks for letting me vent.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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