Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsBeachbody reviews from a NON COACHPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDs

Turbo Fire HIIT 15

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Today’s workout was Turbo Fire HIIT 15. It is only 15-minutes but I feel like I sweat and burn the same calories as a 45 minute workout…whew! These HIIT workouts are awesome. They are shorter and you burn 9 times the fat. It is a LOT of jumping but they are in 30 second intervals with rests in between so it is not too bad. It takes me a couple cycles to be able to really give it 100% but when I do I feel it…in a good way.

I have said it before and I will say it again…LOVE Chalene and all her Turbo workouts. I am glad that I put the HIIT 15 at the top of the 40-day workout pile as it kicked my butt. I think I may have unconsciously did that…lol because if I would have started with the 30 minute I may have cried a bit:)

Have a great day and see you tomorrow

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