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Vision poster

I hope you will share!

Another idea that The Secret movie had was to make a “vision poster.” This poster is everything that you want and that you can “visualize” having right now.
I decided to take this task on a few days ago and finished it yesterday. My adorable daughter made one too and had way too much fun doing it. I have attached both pictures and you can see hers consists of animals and sweet treats.

It was fund making it with her regardless of what happens with it. She learned how to use the kid scissors and is so proud of herself. I am going to hang both of these in my office/spare bedroom.

My poster has more than pictures on it; it has a lot of positive phrases for changes I am choosing to make both physically and mentally. There is also a lot of open space on it for the purpose of adding more things as I go along. I will continue to update pictures of it as I update.

The idea for me is to go in and look at this poster at least twice a day and close my eyes and visualize everything on there as “mine” right now. I think the best time for me would be after I use the gratitude rock. Refer to my previous post for the grateful list.

Here are the pictures of both of us.

My 4 year old daughter’s poster.  So cute!
My poster. Found a healthy, not just skinny, woman and put my face on hers. I put my dream house, car and appliances on it too. That fridge has a coffee maker in the door, sweet! I also put a passport book with a map of the entire world. It says “go everywhere I have not been.” Has a picture of an old couple in the center and i wrote mine and my husband name on it. It also has a healthy family sticker on it and the hand picture has 5 hands holding and I have our family of 5 names on it. I also put a “grandparents at play” sticker on it. It also has a bunch of positive words on it. It also has my hope for earnings for the next to years on it. It can’t hurt to visualize everything. Plenty of space to add more!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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