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Waiting to plant my garden, spring keeps teasing me!

I hope you will share!

Where are you SPRING?!!!!

I so want to plan my garden and every day that it seems to warm up I think, “is this a good day?” I planted a whole bunch of fresh herbs 3 weeks ago as it was above 70 for 3 days and wouldn’t you know it….BAM freezing weather for another two weeks = dead herbs!

I have lived in many cities in different states and the weather is the same every where, hot, cold, hot, cold, CRAP!
So the warming we have had this week lasted jut over a day and now it is cold again, argh! I want to plant my garden. I want to eat fresh and not pay the supermarket high prices for crappy produce!

Anyway, maybe I will get my garden planted by the first of May! Here is positive thinking for warm weather to get here and stay soon!

If you cook with fresh herbs and vegetables it cuts down on salt, big time! It also is better for you in general! If you have never planted a garden, start with growing some herbs first. You will be surprised how much better your food tastes with fresh herbs added!


Have a great day! On my way to do some Plyomtriics now! Yay P90X!

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View Comments (1)

  • I can't wait for spring.... My daffodills are blooming and I just love seeing them.

    Next week, Hubby is going to till me some dirt for a bigger little garden. Right now my wanna be garden is only about 2 feet by 5 feet.

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