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Well….doubling up today, not so much!

I hope you will share!

I posted earlier today that I would be doubling up on my exercises because I did not feel good yesterday. I did the first P90X workout Legs and back and immediately popped in Kenpo and things did not happen the way I anticipated. That is life right?

I actually felt really great and could have done the Kenpo but ended up having to leave my house, really quickly, with the kids and did not get back until 9:00pm. Do I want to work out at 9pm?
Well I do all the time with my hubby but he is not here tonight so, NO, I don’t want to work out at 9pm.

Tomorrow is suppose to be my rest day so now I am rethinking my week and taking yesterday and rest and doing Kenpo X tomorrow and starting my new week on Friday and will be on track again.

No need to stress, life happens and we are all good. If I don’t have this attitude all I do is stress and give up because “it’s just too hard!” But its not too hard, it’s just life AND life happens!

Happy exercising everyone!

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  • I'm debating purchasing the P90X system. I have a hard time finding my way to the gym with my husband's schedule and our two year old. I've tried Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's not bad but not great. I mute her ... a lot.

    New follower from the McHoppin blog hop at McMommy Diaries!

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