Categories: Daily RoutineFoodSupplementsWeight loss journey

What I eat for lunch, every day.

I hope you will share!

I have never been one for supplement shakes, protein bars, or any kind of nutritional meal replacement, but since about June of 2011 I have changed my tune a little bit.

I don’t do a lot of meal replacements but I have found that if I do one for lunch it does help me eat less and have more energy during my normal “down time.”

There are two shakes that I go back and forth between and I will compare the pros and cons for each and how and why I take them.

They are Beachbody’s Shakeologyand Healthy Herbal Nutrients Quicky Shakes. There are reasons for both, I have found and I will share them with you now.The Shakeology I LOVE, well the chocolate. I won’t say I love the Green berry in fact, yuck! The tropical is OK and I can drink it but the chocolate is pure fabulous. In fact it is the first meal replacement drink that I have tried that was not chalky and nasty.

Pro’s: It keeps me full for 3-3.5 hours made with water or blended with ice. If I add fruit then I get another 30 minutes or so and if I mix it with milk and fruit I go about 4 hours every time.

I love it when I am PMSing. It cures my chocolate craving and I feel like I am cheating.

I feel comfortable giving this to my 6-year old for her lunch. She loves it and it keeps her full for her 3 hours at school. I even make Peanut Butter Chocolate balls for my 2-year old, as he is not a good eater, and it helps him get his nutrients.

Con’s: The price at first.  When you compare what you pay to eat out at lunch then the price is more doable but still a little steep for me as a WAHM. if money was not an issue I would drink it more.

Another con is that you may only buy this through a beachbody coach so if you run out you have to wait a few days to get your order.


The Quicky Shake is another shake I keep on hand for my lunch hour.

Pro’s: It is only about half the price of the Shakeology.

There are 4 flavors to choose from, Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana, and Strawberry. Out of the 4 flavors I love the chocolate and strawberry. The vanilla tastes like cake in my opinion. I have not tried the Banana as I don’t typically like banana flavored drinks so I have been too nervous. I think I should try the strawberry and banana mixed as I do like that in other drinks, so I guess I need to quit being a nervous nelly and try it.

It keeps me full for a full 4 hours with plain skim or 1% milk. I don’t have to add fruit in to get the 4th hour.

Con’s: I won’t let my daughter drink it as it has Hoodia in it. Hoodia is not really considered a good idea for someone under 16-18 years-old.

I have not tried it blended yet and that might be good so I will keep you posted. (update…awesome blended!)

Hoodia can make you dehydrated so I have to remember to carry water with me at all times and force drinking. I found that if I make sure to drink something every 30 minutes or so I keep myself fuller for longer and I don’t snack at all between the shake and dinner time.


I keep shakeology on hand for my daughter. It takes her 3 days to drink one adult serving of the shakeology so it lasts me 3 months instead of 1 month so the shake ends up costing me only $1.00 as I am a preferred customer so I get it at a discount (ask me how I will share if you are interested).

With both these drinks I have been able to lose weight, with healthy eating and exercise. It also helps me maintain weight on those days I do not get to put in the exercise I want/need.

So I drink them every day (mostly the quicky shake…98% of the time). My husband drinks one of them every day for lunch too. Makes packing his work lunch so easy. My daughter drinks her shake for lunch every day too. it is one less meal I have to cook and in the long run it is cheaper then groceries.

So there is my lunch share.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask. I have linked both images to the places I buy them from. Feel free to check them out and even come back and leave your comments on how you liked them or even if you didn’t like them, tell me that too!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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