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Why strength training helps you lose weight faster and keep it off…

I hope you will share!

So there has been a lot of controversy over the years when it comes to strength training and weight loss. Some women will not use any weights because they are scared of gaining “ugly” muscle. The fact of the matter is, and I know I have said this before, is less weight and more reps will give you and nice long lean muscle look. Quite frankly, I think that an ultra skinny body is not as attractive as a tone body either. I think you look a lot healthier with some nice toned muscles then just a skinny body. I am not saying that cardio is bad, not at all; you just need to add strength training too. We really need both! Our body has the need for both cardio and strength training.

Another big perk when it comes to strength training is that muscle burns more calories at rest. The bigger the muscle the more calories it will burn. So if you tone up and create some nice muscles in your body, than your body will burn more calories while you are doing no work outs at all. That is definitely a nice perk and another big reason that healthier people can tend to eat more food and not gain any more weight. Of course that is healthy eating choices as they are not going to Taco Bell and McDonald’s or other types of fast food places.

This is why I believe that measuring is key instead of weighing. It may take a bit longer to see the difference for some people but once you start to see it you will notice the weight falling off really fast and the beautiful muscle underneath popping out. My goal is to be looking good come summer time. I have a lot of old clothes that have not fit for the last 4 years due to being pregnant so darn much. I have some swimming suits I am determined to put on again and actually be able to see the material. If I can keep up what I am doing now, I know that this will definitely happen.

UPDATE on 4/20/2011
I opened up my box of summer clothes and I DO fit in 97% of my smaller clothes, whihoo! I am so excited about this that I am having a garage sale tomorrow and Friday to get rid of my “fat clothes!” No need for them anymore as I am NEVER going back!!!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (3)

  • Weight lifting is awesome for scukpting and upping your metabolism. Have you seen the book, Lift Like A Man, Look Like A Goddess?

  • No Corrie I have not ever hard of that book, I think I will get it. Sounds good!

  • Hi Tawna! Your blog caught my eye through Mothersnotes :) You are so right about weight training for women. Its an important part of our exercise regimen. That and stretching (which I'm not as good at I'm afraid). Weight training is great for our bones, especially as we get older. Keep up the good work!!

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