Since it is so hard to take more then a few minutes at the same time with my work-out I have created a “Vacation work-out” sheet in Excel. I will try and attach it, feel free to print it off.
I have listed everything that I would like to do in one day and my goal is to do 1 or 2 exercises at a time and just fit them all in when I can. Maybe if I do not stress so hard about doing it all at once, I can get back on the exercise track.
If there are any exercises you would like me to explain better let me know.
My strategic plan is to print this sheet off and keep it in my pocket or purse and mark off sets as I do them. I can just leave a little mark for each and be done with that exercise when I reach my set goal.
Let’s shoot for some more weight loss now! I feel horrible. Even though I am not gaining, I am not feeling good with the maintenance.
I could not find a way to attach it so here it is copy and pasted from excel
Exercise Reps Sets 7/2/2010 7/3/2010 7/4/2010
Push ups 10 2
Standing squats 25 2
Lung squats 25 each side 2
Plank crawl 20 2
Jumping jacks 30 2
Jump rope 30 2
Squat jumps 15 2
Butt kick jog 25 2
Downward facing dog mountain climb 20 2
Plank jumping jacks 20 2
Stair run-up + down = 1 rep 10 1
Arm curls with 5 pounds 15 2
Tricep curls with 5 pounds 15 2
Chest fly’s with 5 pounds 15 2
Chest press with 5 pounds 15 2
Rowing with 5 pounds 15 2
Squat and bring weights out in front in V 15 2
Power jog in place 3 minutes 5 1
Kind of a messy paste but you get the idea.
Hole yourself in plank position and do jumping jacks with your legs. So basically you are holding yourself in a push up and moving your feet in and out. It hurts a little but works.
Okay, what the heck are plank jumping jacks?