A full weekend of LOA-law of attraction

I hope you will share!

Wow this weekend has been AWESOME!  I posted a few days ago about spending money to receive money and this come to play, in my favor, twice this weekend.

My 4 year old had grown out of her toddler bed and we really needed a new bigger bed for her.  We have not done this in the past, as you know we are poor, but I thought I would put my law of attraction to the test.  Here is how the weekend went.

Friday:  Decided that no matter what we were buying a bed this weekend/
Friday night:  Sold a heater we have had on craigslist for about a month for $40
Found a daybed on craigslist Saturday for $30.
Listed my daughters toddler bed Saturday as well.
Bought the daybed Sunday
Bought a new comforter set with pad for $50
Sunday evening sold the toddler bed for $40

What I spent = $80
What I received = $80

i am not making this up, it is the EXACT amount, so cool!  And my daughter has an awesome new bed and we broke even. 

Do I believe more and more that what I am doing is the right think, you bet!  Love this LOA and will keep doing it!

I LUV Sharing!

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9 Responses to A full weekend of LOA-law of attraction

  1. Teresa Choplin @ tchoplin2009(at)gmail(dot)com says:

    I love your blog,Following from the blog-hop. I'm your newest follower. Please take time to follow me back, thanks.

  2. Let'sMakeADifference says:

    That is great!! I'm a new follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  3. won says:

    Following via FMBT.


    Nice to meet you!

  4. Loveleng says:

    Thanks Tawna Looking forward for a wonderful and long last blog relationship hehehe…God Bless.

  5. Loveleng says:

    Hi Tawna, I've been following this blog of yours because i find it so attractive hehehe…I already grab your button. you can also follow me on twitter and i will follow you back…
    My twitter account : http://twitter.com/l0veleng

    by the way i also have other blog which is a travel blog you check it too if you want…it's http://insidemalaysiaby.blogspot.com

  6. Kimberly says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Great story!!! I love how these things come about and it's such a simple story to show people what thinking and deciding can do for you.

  7. tawna6988 says:

    Dani: Reciting what i am greatful for a lot! Not just once a day but m any times and everytime I feel myself heading to the negative.

    Looking in the mirror and making myself see a beautiful woman and good mom/wife instead of wishinig I was someone different.

    So far this is a start!

  8. Carolee says:

    That is so cool!

    I love The Secret and was just thinking I need to read that book again.

    I have similar happen, where I attract what I need.

  9. Dani @ OK, Dani says:

    that's great!

    what are your daily LOA practices?

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