I get frustrated with stop lights anymore and wanted to share my vent about them this week.
How many of you pull up to a stop light and there is a sign, especially a no turn right sign during certain hours of the day, and you can’t see the time!
A year oh so again my husband and I got pulled over in Columbus OH because we turned right before 6:00pm at a stop sign downtown. We could not read the exact time on the sign and we just assumed it was 4:00 because it was in a school zone, and most school zones say “no right turn on school days between 7:00-4:00pm. We guessed on the time because they make the writing so stinking small! We did not get a ticket but a rather harsh warning. We told the officer, “we could not read the time and we assumed it said 4:00 because that is what the school zones say around our house.” Of course he did not believe us. Mind you it was like 5:56pm too so we were pretty darn close anyway.
I tried to get a picture of the sign near a shopping center near my house to show you how small it is so here is my try.
My argument is…if you are not going to make the times universal then please print the times LARGER so us older people can read them! In fact, I have always had a hard time reading them, even when I was younger!
I kept trying to take a picture when I wasn straight on the turn sign but was always in the car by myself and would not get my camera out fast enough before the light changed green so this is my turning corner picture! Either way, the sign looks about the same.
OK there is my gripe for the day!
Hope you are all having a wonderful Monday!
I agree! I can NEVER see those signs.
Stopping by from BloggyMoms
Valid gripe!! My gripe is speed traps.
I would say that is a great gripe! I too have a hard time reading street signs. They seem to keep cahnging things and making it ahrder on us. Here it is the bike lanes and laws so nuts I cannot keep up with them. They have more rights then anyone and I think they should have to pay taxes on the roads if they use them and have insurance like me if they have more rights then me.
