Those two days were packed with pure awesomeness! We learned so many things and I have already started to implement them into my blog and business website.
I have had other people ask me, who do not blog mind you, “a blog conference…seriously, what is that?” I am not able to sit here and tell you every little aspect of the conference however I can tell you that if you have a chance to go next year you should!
I learned the do’s and don’ts, legal issues, advertising, etc. and it will all help me improve my blog and make it a blog of pure awesomeness!
I cannot wait to go next year. Oh and the best part…I met some awesome women! I made some great friends and some are friends that I will keep in touch with and they are local! My conference BFF’s were definitely two lovely sisters from the blog, you should check them out and tell them I said hello and sent you over to check out their blog!
Have a wonderful evening!
Check out my new website!
LOL…. sounds like you girls had a great time!
Ditto what Angie said! Now we know there really ARE other real bloggers out there…
Sounds like fun and very informative!
LOVED meeting you Tawna …it was like finding a 3rd sister! We had a great time also and look forward to next year! We'll be sending some folks over to check out your blog too
Thank you for sharing! I am getting ready for my 1st blog conference and getting very excited!