Something I have gotten very frustrated with and have had to work on is my work out schedule. I have learned that I cannot get upset if I can’t work out at a specific time, and loosen up my schedule.
There are many days I know exactly in my head when I will get up and work out and 5 times out of 10 I can’t do it when I tell myself I am going to. I have learned, and not very easily, to go with the flow more. So my new attitude is to chill out and do it when I have an extra 30 minutes. Sometimes this is 6am before everyone gets up. Sometimes this is between 10-1pm, whenever my son takes a nap and my daughter will let me. Sometimes this is 6pm after dinner and sometimes it is 11-12 at night. So, I may get have to work out all over the clock but once I got more OK with this type of non scheduled work out, the less stress I have felt about it. It seems to be working.
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