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Category Archives: Physical Healthy Journey posts
My Newest Workout at Home and DOWN 4 LBS, yay!
So my newest at home workout venture is Turbo Fire. I have been doing it 4 weeks now and have finally sat down to post about it. It has been busy around here with my daughter starting Kindergarten so the … Continue reading
Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts
Tagged beach body, beachbody, chalene, chalene extreme, chalene johnson, dvds, exercise, fitness, turbo fire, weight loss, workout dvds
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Heathier Tacos for a Taco Fanatic…ME!
I love tacos and have tried over the past couple years of my healthy journey to figure out how I can eat them, frequently and not feel guilty. Tacos can be very unhealthy and I LOVE Mexican food so I … Continue reading
Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts
Tagged dinner, food, healthy tacos, meal, meals, recipe, recipes, taco recipe
Get out of UR HEAD and into UR HEART!
UGH I was so tired today. I had every excuse I could find to try and talk myself out of working out and i finally told myself to “quit whining and be positive and get your butt in gear!” So … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health Journey posts, Physical Healthy Journey posts
Tagged beach body, beachbody, determination, excuses, exercise, fitness, force, head, health, healthy, heart, turbo, turbo fire, workout DVD
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90-day FIT Challenge!
I am looking for 5 people and 5 people only to do a 90 day FIT challenge with me. No excuses allowed! First 5 to message me and accept (after I send you info.) are in and then it’s closed … Continue reading
Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts
Tagged 90-day, 90-day challenge, be healthy, exercise, fit, fitness, lose weight, ninety, shake, shakeology, workout at home, workout dvds
A better “pick me up” then coffee, in the morning or afternoon!
I have been guilty of the coffee in the afternoon too and I always hated the way I would “crash and burn” after about an hour or so of drinking it. I have found a better option and it’s yummy … Continue reading
Would you really feed this to your child?
Festivals are not my favorite place to go and there are many reasons. The biggest reason is the food. It is all over priced, FAT, and bad for you and I refuse to feed it to my kids. I guess … Continue reading
Not wanting as much coffee and I am OK with it
I have learned that the healthier I get, the less coffee I want. How cool is that? I used to be a 2-cup fiend every morning and now I only drink one 22 ounce cup instead of 2! Here is … Continue reading
My 200 calorie HEALTHY lunch yum!
Today is a busy day. I had to literally run to take my daughter to school and I am getting ready for a garage sale that I want to have today and tomorrow. I like to walk my daughter to … Continue reading
Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts
Tagged 200, 200 calorie meal, 20o calorie, calorie, diet, eating healthy, exercise, fitness, healthy milkshake, healthy shake, healthy shakes, low calorie chocolate, low calorie chocolate shake, low calorie food, low fat, low fat choice, low fat meals, meal supplement, protein, protein drink, protein shake, supplement
My daughter’s1st day of school…Kindergarten!!
So today was my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten, holy cow, when did this happen?! I was teary eyed all morning long, but when we got to school, there was so much commotion it kept my mind busy, so yay! … Continue reading
Burning calories at the airport!
I had a two hour layover in MN twice this past week and after two and a half hours of flight time, twice in a day, I needed the lay over! The airline seats … Continue reading