We moved into a smaller house a year ago and we still have stuff, stuffed everywhere! Not like we look like hoarders but it never looks real clean, just kind of clean.
I have been on a great journey to health, as you know cuz you are here, and my mental health is being influenced, negatively, by my clutter!
Here are a two pictures of MY clutter, yes they are actual pictures of my house. It’s not like its horrible but enough that it bugs me. And of course there are many more clutter places in my home.
I will be doing things around the house, working out, etc and I find myself looking at this clutter and thinking, “UGH, I hate that!” That type of thinking is obviously NOT in my positive journey plan so I guess it is time to tackle it!
Does anyone else feel so discombobulated when things are in a mess around the house? It is not that I am or ever want to be obsessive compulsive when it comes to cleaning, but I do want it neat.
Part of my problem is that I miss the bigger house and I really am starting to realize that this is a big hindrance on my cleaning habits. I used to have great ones. I need to clear out the negativity and get over the old house and make this new one a home and be done with the negativity. This is my goal. By the end of the week I WILL have this house straightened up. Files filed, clutter organized and just plain throw stuff away!
Anyone else have clutter stories? Did you defeat the clutter?
Have a happy clutter free day!
Know whta I loathe in my house? The microwave clutter. I don’t know how it gets there or who puts it there (perhaps little gnomes?) but it irritates me. Everyone can see it when you walk in the kitchen. I need to remedy that.
I’m a chronic organizer and things need to be in its place…but that damn microwave…oh and on top of the fridge…oh and my son’s closet…oy
We share clutter in the same exact places, drives me nuts oh and the fireplace mantle cuz it is next to the front door, argh!!!!
Clutter drives me nuts too. But, I think the older you get the less you care. At one point in my life, I was obsessed with having a clean house. Now, I know there are more important things than keeping my house picture perfect.
Well maybe when the kids toys are not so big and all over the place it will not bother me as much, who knows!
Oh geez…if this is clutter, I am a hoarder. I’ve been sick for over a week, so I have been doing very little…and you can tell. And, it makes me INSANE. I’ve got to get well so I can get back in gear. I should watch a few episodes of Hoarders to get me ultra-motivated! LOL.
Well I only showed the small clutter places! No way I am showing you the bad ones!!!!
I feel the same way with clutter. It drives me nuts. So far I haven’t found a way to fight it!
I’m a new follower.
I am trying to fight it. I just need to throw away! It is funny how we think we NEED everything. I have asked people to quit buying me nic-nacs as gifts too cuz I have not where to put them!
I am always discombobulated by clutter.
I’m surrounded by it cause we did the same thing – moved from a house to an apartment.
I had started to clean up and now I’ve just given up
I need motivation. I need someone with me to help me not see it as such of a downfall! Wanna come help?
My friend is a neat freak and actually DECLUTTERS her friends’ homes/apartments – but just found a new bf and you know how people disappear when that happens! I’m sorta dying for her relationship to go past the “googly eyed” phase so I can get her over!
Well if you live close I will help! I will throw away stuff though! Seems to be my only answer. I need to quite “needing” everything. sorry about your bf. It is weird you brig that up because I just had a conversation about that yesterday with a friends daughter. told her “even older women are screwed up when it comes to having and being friends.”