Have you ever tried 100 calorie bread? I LOVE it and it is great for a morning egg sandwich. Something I can get my husband to eat so I buy them. I have found that my local Kroger store sells there brand of the bread and instead of paying anywhere form $3.29-$3.89 for 8 sandwich buns I pay $1.99.
They used to come twist tied so the opening and closing was really easy. Now someone got a great (definitely sarcastic) idea and changed the darn package. The opening is now on the front of the package and you have to pull it back. And then when you pull the tab back it only opens in the middle and does not allow you to get out the buns very easily
and then I end up ripping the plastic wide open so I can get them out. If I don’t do this the edges smash and break when I pull them out!
Then if that is not annoying enough the seal, even when I don’t rip it, sucks so bad it dries out the bread in like a few hours. So unless I am eating this entire bag of buns in one meal it is going to go bad. So now I have invested in zip lock bags to store the rest of them and close them normally.
So when the non-Kroger brand is on sale for 2 for $5 I buy those even though they are still .51cents more because that is worth not having to go through all the trouble and extra expense in bags.
If you ask me someone gets paid way to much to mess up product packaging. I am thinking they just want to be different and they don’t care what works, they just have to make sure they are different looking then their competitor. Well Kroger this time it is not working. Your bags blow, please change them!