I know I am not alone with how I feel about the CT shooting that happened this month. I know this is not the first school shooting, and most likely won’t be the last, but this one…I can’t shake.
I guess it’s because I have a first grader and it hit way to close to home.
I don’t understand how anyone feels they have the right to take any life, but a child’s life? It has made me sick.I am not able to sleep well. My eating is all messed up. I am either so sick to my stomach I can’t eat and then the next day I can’t eat enough. My emotions are everywhere. All I keep picturing is those poor kids, and teacher’s and what the hell must have looked like for those few minutes.
I look at my presents under the tree for my 3 and 6-year old and I wonder how many parents, who lost a child, look at their presents, knowing that it will always be Christmas in their house.
I keep getting that 11-days before Christmas e-mail from others and I know the intention is good but I cannot read it anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to feel compassion for those children and families, but rather, it is just too hard to take it all in…still.
My daughter has been sick for the passed two days and I have had to keep her home form school. Quite frankly, there is a huge part of me that is glad she is sick. For days I worried myself sick while she was at school. Wondering if I was going to be in those CT parents shoes someday. I had a sigh of relief when I would go pick her up in-line and was able to hug my child again.
Tomorrow is the last day before Christmas break and I wonder if she will feel good enough to go to school. Again, a big part of me wishes she is still sick.
I know it’s not healthy, I know I need to still live, my children need to live. It is just so hard and I can’t deny the emotions that are running through my body.
I have seriously considered home schooling more then ever. I know I can’t shelter them from everything but with all the crap, and failed education we are seeing int he schools, more and more consistently, I don’t think it is a bad idea.
I want to give a huge hug to all those families that lost a child or another loved one in that school that day. I can’t even believe to imagine the terror I would feel if it were one of my children.
Why does this world have to be filled with so much evil?
I don’t believe that banning guns is the issue and I will have many disagree. Good lord, there is so many illegal things and look how they are still on the streets. I don’t only want the bad people to own guns, I want all those bad people to know that us good people are able to defend ourselves. What I think is ridiculous is that people don’t store and keep things where the kids cannot get them.
If you have a gun, lock it up and put it up HIGH and don’t tell kids where it is at. Don’t think your child is not capable, because no-one wants to believe that their child is capable, but look at what is happening more and more. If you see you child change and not get better then don’t be too proud to ask for professional help. If your child is mad at you fr this…who cares, there are worse things. If you don’t want o give your kids the attention they need or you feel like they take up too much time then don’t have kids. (not saying that the CT shooters mom was like this, it is just a general statement).
It is so not fair that we have to send our kids to school in fear. It is not fair that we can’t even have our kids play in a park, outside, or anywhere without worrying about some loser trying to get them and/or hurt them.
I am so tired of all the crap that has to go on and I have no remorse for those that do these awful things. it’s not that I wanted the shooter to live but in a way I kind of wanted him too because he is a coward and he needed to be held accountable. I know he is now, but there is no explanation or anything and we are all left with damaged hearts and fear…
I could go on…but it won’t help me “shake it.”
I feel the same way. I was sitting in church last Sunday and just looking at all the wonderful children in the choir and I started to think how could one person take the life of a little innocent kid? Makes me cringe.
I am having a hard time with this too. I know it has been 2 weeks, but I still break down and cry over it. I think I will for years.
Me too!
I so agree with you when i first heard abt it i was devastated and shocked to see whats happening around.
I think most of us felt the same way.I’m a former teacher.I had k-3.I also have grandchildren that age.There is no rime or reason to kill innocent little children who have only started to live.
This is such a sad situation that is so tragic to have lost so many small children in an instant. I prayed over the Christmas break for the families. My heart goes out to them! I pray that God helps them. We must never forget them!
I know how you feel, I just want to hold My grandchildren close, I even bought one a little guardian Angel necklace for Christmas, She absolutely loved it !!
This country needs more mental help services to notice troubled people.
It’s so sad that we have have to worry about security at schools, especially grammer schools! No we can’t shelter our children, just because there are a few psychopaths in this work doesn’t mean we live in an evil world. I blame that mother alot as well, she knew her son had mental issues yet still kept guns around him and even took him shooting! There are people that can handle guns responsibly, and those that can’t, I definitely think there needs to be emotional/personality tests that are required before an individual can purchase a gun or even be around them! Whether it be shooting range or what have you! This world isn’t a bad place, just has a few bad people…
This whole thing still brings me to tears and I dont even have kids! Though Im the person that finally went to a theatre just this past Friday for the first time since the Aurora shooting. Im a mystery shopper and for the first few weeks I actively turned movie theatre jobs down because of it. Not that I thought it would happen to me just I didnt feel right going. These babies were 5 and 6 years old. You hear a story about a teacher that kid her kids in the closets and cupboards and told the shooter they were in the gym. Then looked down the barrel of his gun as he killed her. She gave her life to save her class. Not one of her kids were injured. You cant just not feel for these types of things….Except one guy I know…just days later he posted “Ok a bunch of people died. Its over now. Can I stop hearing about it!” I was so mad I had to close the computer for the rest of the night or I would have went off on him….another friend of mine told him he was a jerk and unfriended him for that…
I agree with you whole heartedly . I was in the hospital when it happened and I tried not to think about it because of my health issues but it was so hard not to. All those innocent little souls taken in an instant. So horrible. All my chilren are grown but I nieces and nephews and grand children about that age. We hugged them and cried and didnt want to let go of them and I dont think they quite understood it all. Yes we must go on with life , and God will watch over those little ones in heaven always.
My children were in elementary school when the shooting in Columbine happened. It was horrible. When I heard on the news what happened I immediately called my children’s school, they were in a small Catholic School. I just needed reassurance that my children were ok and safe. The principle actually scolded me for calling. I remember to this day her exact words were, ” Now do you really think I would let something happen to your children?” I replied, ” Oh and the principal just didn’t feel the same as you???” I totally lost respect for that woman and became even more concerned. I was glad to find out that the school district required locked schools and lock down drills for the kids, even for the Catholic Schools.
i think i left a comment on this before , but either way This subject needs to stay with us.. i don’t understand how someone can do such a thing, my heart mornes for the family and friends.. We have got to put a stop to such behavior..
I think ther Connecticut shooting changed school life as we know it for our little ones. I am a former teacher and I’m like you, I couldn’t shake it. Those little babies did nothing to deserve that. It’s awful.
When I heard about the shooting, it just blew my mind! Normally the first thought is teens when a school shooting is mentioned, and of course, it’s still sad, but at least it’s usually possible to attempt a guess at the reasoning behind it. Someone pushed someone else too far… It’s possible to consider ways that it could’ve been avoided and do everything possible to keep it from happening again. This though, my first thought was What could they have possibly done to him?! There’s no reasonable explanation at all… Nothing we could have really done to avoid it without knowing something was coming. Now people are talking about putting guns in the schools or banning them completely? I agree that banning will not work. If someone wants something bad enough, they will find a way to get it… I’m not sure giving teachers guns would be effective either. Kids would live in fear daily because there’s a gun in the classroom and some crazy person could be coming to hurt them… The 11 days poem was pretty awesome actually, there were parts of it I didn’t really like, like suggesting that this may have happened because God isn’t “allowed” in schools. He doesn’t seem like one who would follow “Man’s Law” when we don’t really follow His. Just because the government slapped a restraining order on him, lol, doesn’t mean he’d stay out. It was a really touching poem overall, but that’s just my opinion, I guess. I hope this Christmas vacation is long enough so that it helps to heal those who are hurting and worried about the safety of their children. I can’t even fathom what the families of the people involved are going through right now, it’s such a terrible loss. One thing about this that does give me hope? The fact that there are people like Victoria Soto in this world. An underpaid Kindergarten teacher, who hid her kids and gave up her life to protect them. So brave and just heart wrenching… I hope your little one feels better by now, and you can enjoy this vacation with her.
I have twin 9 year old grand daughters. That love going to school but now my daughter is really checking into home schooling. She has thought about it before but these attacks on schools are getting worse and worse and the schools are not doing much to keep it from happening again. I can’t wait for the day she tells me she is for sure doing it. Every day a constant worry on my mind..
You can shake it,due to your child going to school.Every mother thinks the same way,just to be sure that their child is out of harm’s way.There is so much violence out on the street,plus the illegal activities along with illegal weapons (like you said) in the wrong hands,but most either slip under the radar or was never given a mental evaluation before purchasing a gun.
It’s horrible to think how someone could do such evil things. My daughter is only 3, so she’s not in school just yet. I’m dreading even sending her now with everything that is going on, it makes you scared to death. I can’t imagine what those families are going through losing their loved ones, esp. so young as the kids were. It’s just heartbreaking.
People who do evil things like that are cowards, that is why they go places where they don’t expect to be stopped easily. Sick and sad.
The people that do evil things like this are cowards, that’s why the go places where they don’t expect to be stopped easily. It’s is just sick and sad.
I feel the same way our babys are not safe at school anymore and people are killing eachother. Its not the guns its the people you cant trust anyone I just dont know whats going on in the world today but it makes me just want to hide away my family to keep them safe
I feel much like you do. This shooting still has me shaking my head and I can barely put my thoughts and feelings into words. I also believe that more gun control isn’t the answer. The bad guy will always get the gun. I actually do homeschool my kids and the thought did cross my mind whether parents might change their minds about how to educate their kids. However, basing our decisions on fear is the wrong approach. I would avoid shopping in the mall – going to the movie theater etc… if I lived my life this way. I’m obviously pro homeschooling. I love it! Way less stress than sending the kids to school, but I hope parents don’t sacrifice their kids education based on fear. *sigh* Unfortunately we live in a sick world – full of sickos who are out there with the potential to harm us and our families. The only hope that I have in all of this is Jesus.I don’t need to be afraid of those that can kill the body only like it says in Matthew 28:10. I can rest in the fact that my soul is secure in Jesus Christ no matter what man does to my body. My prayer is that many come to know this truth, after being faced with this tragedy and eternity is on their minds.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sometimes it helps just to write it out there and put feelings into words.
I know what you are saying. I agree with a lot of it. I am a teacher of K-2 students, and my heart is really broken over this. But I know we can’t live in fear all the time. We mustn’t let the madmen of this world control how we live our lives. We have to have courage and dignity. Are we to stop going to movies because someone shot up a theater? Are we to stop going to work because someone blew up the twin towers. Life itself is such a gamble, and we do need to take precautions, but if we don’t live with courage, are we really living, or we cowering in fear? I have six kids, and I always want to protect them, never let them grow and move out, because then I lose control over their lives. That’s what I want, but I know that they do grow up and leave, and I must have the courage to let them go with a smile and a “Good Luck!”, because it is their turn. It is hard since your kids are so little, and you are totally responsible for them. But if you live in fear, you let THEM win (the bad guys).
I totally agree with you. It is extremely saddening and heartbreaking to see that these kinds of tragedies can exist in our country. You are not alone. My children are also suffering from the flu over the past couple of weeks and I’m happy to keep them home today. I can’t begin to imagine how any of those parents feel, or even the teachers who had to protect them in the middle of that tragic event. My condolences and prayers go out to the families, to the teachers, to all those who lost and gained. It is a sad time for our nation.
I agree with you, banning guns is not the problem. Some of our Nation’s most peaceful states are the ones who have the least strict gun laws. Something about knowing your neighbor can own a gun just like you makes your dealings with them a little more peaceful. It almost makes you feel like there was an agenda. The issue is not the NRA or guns, the issue is the people. How do we, as a nation of people, be proactive in our stance against violence.
I hope you feel better and through the holiday and into the new year, that we all enjoy the time with our family and the blessings from God. Peace and serenity to you!
no you are not alone, i don’t think anyone would think such a thing would go through a young person mind to do something like this or anyone but it did .. it sickens me , my heart aches my stomach in knots.. I just don’t understand ..