I have only live in the Midwest since 2001 and this is the first year I have EVER seen an ice storm like this bad. I know that others around here have seen worse, but since I have been here, this is the worst i have seen it.
Last week we had a 3 day ice storm. I lived out west my whole life until 2001 and it is dry, we do not get ice storms.
Checkout these pictures I took on day one, they are crazy!
The garbage can was frozen solid, I could not open it for anything. My garbage stayed right where you see it for 3 days! I had to hold onto the car for dear life as I walked the gabage out. I could not step without slipping all over the place!
I pulled out of my driveway 2 days later and just slid right down into the street. I had no control at all. See the fire hydrant and the awesome place it is at?: Ya, I missed it by less then a 1/2 inch on the drivers side of my car. It least I missed it!
People ask me all the time if the winters are so much worse out west since they here about the massive amounts of snow we can get (I lived in Utah and southern Alberta Canada). You know, to be honest I think they are worse here. This is my opinion anyway. I would so much rather deal with a foot of snow then a few inches of snow with an inch of ice added underneath it. I used to think it was no big deal to drive in the winter out west, but out here, the ice is unbearable. Give me snow over ice any day! Besides I do dislike the humidity big time. I do like living here I just don’t like the humidity. I guess I better retire somewhere else eh?
I hope you are all staying safe and warm! Thanks goodness I have an awesome husband who works hard so we can have a warm house to look out onto the fiercly cold winter!
Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday! I hope you're getting a bit warmer weather these days!
Thanks for passing by, and so glad I'm not the only one going crazy, as for this winter I think everyone is feeling it. We at Long Island are just sick of the damn snow.
Karen I know right! I thought they looked too cool so I did not break them off. I did not have to go anywhere, thank goodness, so I just let them melt off a couple days later when the storm was gone!
That sucks that your Mom totalled her car in a storm. Yuck, I have totalled 2 cars in my life. One was my fault and the other wasnt. both happened within the same 2 years!
Yea, that ice can be a scary thing, especially when you can't see it! I'm glad I don't have to drive on it, but I do remember when my Mom totalled her car on a patch of black ice when I was a kidlet. Stay safe!
Oh! And gotta say, those icicles hanging on your car might have been mighty inconvienent, but they are really fun to look at! :>