You have always hear, as I have, “lead by example if you want people to follow!” I think we seem to forget this and it is sad because I truly believe that this is the best way to get people in the direction you want them to be in.
For our children, we want them on the right paths right? Well….if we as parents are not on the right path than how can we expect our kids to be on one. We don’t want our kids to do things that will harm themselves like drinking too much, smoking, etc. This list could go on forever right? If we are dong the things we do not want our kids to do then why do we get upset at them and punish them when they do exactly what they see?
I have spent a lot of my time as a mother and a wife trying to get my family to realize how important being healthy is. For me this has been a lifelong struggle JOURNEY. I can’t say the word “struggle” anymore, because I am not a victim. I say the word “journey” because everything happens for a reason and leads me to my destination.
So what have I been doing to influence my family? Working out every day and cooking healthier food. My children have been exposed to every day exercise and now my oldest one asks to workout with me all the time. If you have been keeping up at all on my P90X workouts you will see videos of the kids playing around with me.
The biggest one that I have been very proud of this week is my husband. He has been a tough one and I have nagged and nagged him to workout and get healthy with me for years. I finally realized this last month that it was the nagging that kept him from dong it. I think that sometimes we want something so badly that we forget that we can push people away if we just say it once and than shut-up about it and let them come to it when they are ready.
It was when I stopped nagging and simply let him see me working out and being healthy that he came to me and for the past week we have been workout buddies which has been way awesome! I wanted this so much and when I laid off of him, he decided to come on into my world.
Last night I had to have him workout on his own due to a late meeting I had and when I came home he was doing it. I was kind of afraid that he would not do it without me but I let him make that decision and he did it.
I am not perfect, believe me, but I am learning. A lot of it (most of it actually) has come from my life changing journey. The journey I started just about a year ago and I am changing my negative outlook to more positive. It has helped me with my relationships, money, raising kids, and the biggest…self esteem! If you are interested in knowing what that is head over to my other blog and start reading from the beginning http://tawnassecret.blogspot.com/ My life has changed drastically int he past year.
Any way, this post has gotten way too long but I just have to much passion for what I am doing I needed to share it.
Happy eating and exercising!
Your friend
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Hi Tawna!
Welcome to my humble crypt
Thanks for following me. I really appreciate it.
I have visited all your blogs. They are all lovely and have great positive vibes. Keep it up.
Here's wishing you and hubby all the best in your journey to health and happiness.
Humble regards,
Namz recent post Beer Anyone?