My niece graduate on my June 2nd and I made her graduation cake for her. I was pretty excited to do it for her and had this great idea of doing a 3 layer cake. I googled some graduation cakes while I was Idaho and found the one you see below but it did have a third layer, I just did not have time to do it:(I wanted a graduation cap on top, but I started about 90 minutes to late in the AM to get it done. Oh well! I think it turned out pretty good for my 5th cake!
Her school colors were red and black and I really wanted a black hat with a red tassel on top but oh well right?! I think it still turned out pretty good.
It was a chocolate cake with homemade chocolate butter cream in the layers with FRESH strawberries. My niece loves strawberries and chocolate so it was perfect.
I covered a piece of plywood with white fondant and cut out the stars and letters with fondant I had left over. This way it was heavy enough to hold the cake and move the 20 minutes in between houses. I did not make it at her house so I had to deliver it.
Next graduation cake I do will have the hat on top! I had the rice krispie treats to mold it, well the ingredient anyway! Hope my other nieces enjoy the rice krispie treats I left in Idaho!
I love free tips, I would love to get any advice she has!!!
Leigh Anne, inventor of the Back Sac has a long time friend, Melissa Owens Sams who does lots of fondant cakes and could probably give you tips on the not sinking part. We are all friends from middle and high school.
Wow. Pretty Cake. Like a miniature Ultimate Cake-Off cake. I love the word fondant but i don't care for the taste. It amazes me what cake artists are able to make out of cake, sugar and rice crispie treats.
Love it! I'm dying to try out a fondant cake! I'm a little intimidated though.
Beautiful cake! I dabble in cake decorating. It's so fun to do!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hello from Oklahoma! I found something great to "follow"! Loved reading this. Love the colors of your page, too.
Dianne @
Sweet! Cake decorating is a lot of fun, isn't it? I used to do this over 20 years ago. I made the cake for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. So much fun. It is a lot of work, but so worth it when the people on the other end are so special to you. Have fun and if you do make this a business, best wishes to you!
I have sure thought about it lately but it is a lot of work! I need to do a few more and figure out how not to get them to sink first!!! LOL
Very Nice!! What talent you have.
Have you ever thought of going into business making and decorating cakes?
It' so beautiful!!
It's so beautiful!!
Love it! The colors are so vibrant.
You did a great job on the fondant too. Its all smooth!! WTG!