I have to share something that I just noticed today, but has been happening for awhile and I just realized it.
I know that I have told you before about my friend weeding and I have actually found that I really have not had to make much of an effort to do this lately.
I have noticed that my “negative” friends in my life are not really making a point to keep in touch with me either. I am thinking that, what makes sense, is that when you are unhappy, happy people just seem to irritate you even more and make you uncomfortable, so you leave them alone. Is this making sense to anyone else out there?
I know that I used to vent about such happy people in my life when I was angry all the time. So maybe now my positive outlook is driving those nuts that are not on my same path. Too bad isn’t it? I wish that everyone in my life was on this same journey, it is just such a happier place to be!
Not that I am bragging and thinking that I am the “bomb” or better then anyone else. I am merely stating what seems to be happening in my life and I can’t complain about it. Maybe one day those old friends will see my change and want it too and we can reconnect again on a more positive note and build each other up instead of bringing each other down. That is my hope anyway!
I hope you are all having a positively positive day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today
Following back & looking forward to reading more!
Wow I can't believe she actually dumped water on your yard. It is so werid to me that you can be such great friends with someone and then they do a Jeckl and Hyde flip and all because you want to be happy? Isn't that weird.
You are right, you did the right thing not giving into her behavior and I am sure that made her more mad.
It is sad and it hurts to lose friends but we as adults know that this is a natural part of life. silly but it is what it is. Maybe she will come around sme day!!
thanks for sharing!
SO TRUE! I have a neighbor who was a really good friend. We'd hang out together every day. When I started changing and trying to see the positive side of things a couple of years ago, she really got angry with me. For over a year, she was doing things just to get at me. (Once, she dumped all of her cleaning water into my garden!) My husband would get all up in arms about it, but I just smiled. I just didn't see how THAT kind of behavior could make someone feel good. It seems so childish to me. I kept ignoring the behavior and it eventually ended. I feel better knowing that I didn't play that game. I just feel bad for her…
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am following you back and can't wait to read more!
Lacie @ http://www.homegrowinghappiness.blogspot.com
That is so sad. I can relate. I lost a great friend in the last 2 years and I don't even know why, she would never tell me. Sorry to ehar about your friend. I am glad you are happy though! Thanks for sharing your story!
I lost a very close friend for this reason. I had two kds in a healthy marriage not perfect but healthy and supportive. She was recently seperated and deciding getting ready to file for divorce. She stopped calling. I would call and she never returned my phone call. I gave up, So sad because she was in the delivery room with me when I had my first baby, my daughter. Yes, I think unhappy people are uncomfortable with those of us who are happy.
I friend weed every so often. I have to for my sanity!