We were taking a little walk to the post office the other day and for the most part our city is pretty clean but there is about a 1/4 mile or so closer to the post office that seems to always have it share of trash thrown everywhere. Not sure why it is that particular spot but it is always there.
There was one piece of trash in particular that instigated this whole post….a cigarette butt. Why you may ask? Well…my daughter was trying to pick it up! Ewwwww….gross I know but she did have her reason.
We met a couple, very nice actually, on the corner waiting for the light to change so we could walk across. They happened to be smoking and I was trying t to be rude but I did not want my kids right in the middle of the smoke and was happy the light changed quickly. They walked in front of us and as we came upon the next corner the guy threw his finished cigarette on the sidewalk. My daughter immediately bent over to pick it up and I told her “don’t touch it!” For one it was still lit and that would hurt and the other we were right on the corner of a busy street, and lastly, we don’t know where that guys hands of been!
She proceeded to say, very loudly, “Well Mom, I live in this town and he just littered it up, I want to throw it away!” At first I said “shhh be careful what you say out loud.” Then after I said that I told her, “i am sorry, you are right that was wrong and you do deserve a clean city. The cigarette butt is almost in the street and still burning, I wanted you to be safe and not pick it up.” We were half a block away from this time and if I could do it different I would. I would have stepped on the stinking butt and wrapped it in a baby wipe and thrown it away for her. Why is it that we (I) as an adult are worried of what our kids will say when what they are saying is true. Why should be be OK living in a dirty world just because we are scared to piss off those littering it up!
We have picked up trash before and thrown it away, this situation just seemed different to me at the time.
What my 5 year old said makes you think doesn’t it? She is 5 and I am pretty sure the guy who threw the butt was at least 25 years old. You would think that another 20 years of life experience would teach him not to litter.
I am not trying to offend smokers, believe me, I am sick and tired of all the litterers thinking its OK to throw their trash out for others to pick up. News flash, it doesn’t just disappear someone is being your Mother and cleaning up after you. AND this is not always happening either and that is why there are certain places with a whole lot of trash.
This is our world, why don’t we treat it with respect and use the trash can, the ash trays in our cars, etc. that are meant to be used!
Thanks for letting me share my opinion today!
Happy Thursday to everyone!
I love the innocence of children, and their kind-hearted attempts at trying to make this world a better place. Myself, I wish everyday people would be more accountable for their actions, consider the consequence of their laziness, and care for more than their own immediate needs. It's a battle that won't be won though…
I just try to lead by example, and do my part…
I'm a new GFC follower through the "I Heart Maternity" weekend hop.
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Great post! I think the same things every day. I wish my kids were younger now that I am blogging! They sure help with material. I remember as a kid my parents would just say "throw it out the window" but be serious about it. Once, when my kids asked what to do with their trash in the car we said (jokingly) "throw it out the window". You would have thought we had told them to commit murder! needless to say, they found a bag. Keep up the good work with your daughter.
I constantly see smokers throwing butts out their car windows. It ticks me off.
My husband is a smoker and living on military bases has trained him not to throw ANYTHING on the ground even a cigarette butt. I can't tell you how many times I have accidently washed and dried a cigarette butt left inside of the pocket of one of his pants. Then I have to rewash everything because it reaks of cigarette stank.