Whew! Made it through day 3. Actually to be totally honest, this was much easier then day 1 or 2. I did not say it was “easy” it was “easier” than the first 2 days. It was still hard but at least I am not smelling myself like I was yesterday.I was so incredibly sore before the first work out and I really did not want to do it at all! I made myself and my soreness went away in about 10 minutes and it is not so bad. Now don’t get me wrong, I know I will hurt like a mother later today and into tomorrow but at least it did not hurt during the workout so much.I could feel the burn and I had to quit the last 5 minutes of ab ripper. It was not that I could not do it, it was hurting where my Interstim implant is and I do not have a mat. I am going to buy a mat as soon as I can drive on the roads. We have had a big ice storm and I am not driving in it. Hm, maybe will buy one on line. That might get it o me faster!
Bring on day 4, I am ready!
I just searched and purchased a yoga mat from amazon an put an image link on here. This is the best price I could find for a 1/4 inch mat that came with free shipping! I bought a red one that was a couple dollars cheaper then the one I have on here. It is weird but each color is a bit of a different price. Hmm. To make it free shipping you need to buy $25 but that was easy because I have been wanting push up bars too and they were around $10 so I got both for $28. Sweet! The push up bars I am buying for P90X too because I have really week wrists and it hurts after halfway through the work out. I thnk these will make it so my wrists won’t hurt so bad. I get carpal tunnel real bad and real quick.
Now I do not have to drag the kids out in the ice and snow and spend gas on a mat! I will have one in a few days!
My husband did P90X a few years ago. But soon he didn't have time for it, due to his hectic work and school schedule. And now he can't do the workouts due to various health issues, but he's really hoping to try it again one day.
But we still love to joke about our "favorite" (not) exercise which is the "Crunchy Frog" portion of the Ab Ripper X. It's definitely harder than it looks!
Good luck with your fitness goals!