I am trying to get an insurance license and have not had very much luck passing my simulator all week and I was getting more and more frustrated and my scores kept getting lower and lower instead of “practice makes perfect.” I put my finger on it today and wouldn’t you know it, I passed the test! Seriously!
I have had some “ill” feelings towards some people in my life this week and this was getting me down. When I would simulate the test I would catch my mind wandering and getting upset and then I would forget what I was reading. I would read the questions about 3-5 times each and sometimes just say “whatever” and pick C!”
I have learned this week that you can’t dwell on obstacles in your life or you will end up in my situation where it was consuming my every minute and not allowing me to get done, what I needed to get done.
I was upset because I was hoping to depend on those people in my life that I have helped numerous times to reciprocate and help me out. That was/is not happening. It is funny that I can bend over backwards and do things for others and when they say “if there is ever anything I can do for you let me know,” and wouldn’t you know, I let them know…..and nothing.
I am a true believer that what goes around comes around and I may not be getting what I need from certain individuals in my life but I do have plenty of awesome family and friends that I can depend on at any time. Instead of dwelling on those that will not reciprocate, I am now going to dwell on those that do and be even more willing to help them out as well.
So today, before the first, and the last attempt at the test I opened up my blog page to one of my first few posts. The post has my list of what I am grateful for. I got my grateful rock and rubbed it and recited the list out loud and came back to my positive mind and I felt calm. Every time I felt the feelings I have been battling with all week I would take a deep breath and rub the rock and say something I was/am grateful for. I would immediately calm down and the questions seemed much easier on the test.
When I got to question 100 I took a deep breath, pressed submit, and BAM I passed! I just needed to get over myself and there it was.
I guess I just needed a reminder of where I need to be today and I need to make sure I am reading this list everyday and keeping my mind clear and I can do anything.