Follow me Friday

Found a new blog today and linked myself up to follow me friday, wouldn’t take my iimage though, oh well. Leave a comment if you find me from follow me friday and I will follow you back!


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Shots = fever, yuck!

I know why I get the kids vaccinated, but the aftermath is not always the most fun.  Today my poor baby has a light fever, whiter than normal face, and is a little sore.  When he only gets 1-2 shots it is not too bad but 4 seems to be dragging him down a bit.  I think next time I will tell them not to give so many at a time and do 2 at a time. 

The positive side is that he is still extra cuddly, which I love, but wish it was just because he wanted to cuddle and not because he does not feel good.

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Poor baby got 4 shots today

My poor little one year old had to get 4 shots today and I feel so bad for him. He was in such a good mood before we went to the doctor too, and it broke my heart to take him.

It just breaks your heart when you have to hold their hand down as the nurse gives them the shots in the thighs and they look at you with that look of “what are you doing to me?” It makes me tear up every time.

He was such a little trooper and tired so hard to be happy for the rest of the day/evening but the poor little trooper just could not do it.

It was nice to be able to cuddle with him but he would get uncomfortable and sore and be mad when I was holding him and mad when I wasn’t.

After his second dose of Tylenol I put him to bed and he fell asleep in about 30 seconds at 7:30pm. I hope he sleeps all night and feels good tomorrow.

The things we do to our kids sometimes, makes you think!

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Wasn’t passing my test until I remembered my goal!

I am trying to get an insurance license and have not had very much luck passing my simulator all week and I was getting more and more frustrated and my scores kept getting lower and lower instead of “practice makes perfect.” I put my finger on it today and wouldn’t you know it, I passed the test! Seriously!

I have had some “ill” feelings towards some people in my life this week and this was getting me down. When I would simulate the test I would catch my mind wandering and getting upset and then I would forget what I was reading. I would read the questions about 3-5 times each and sometimes just say “whatever” and pick C!”

I have learned this week that you can’t dwell on obstacles in your life or you will end up in my situation where it was consuming my every minute and not allowing me to get done, what I needed to get done.

I was upset because I was hoping to depend on those people in my life that I have helped numerous times to reciprocate and help me out. That was/is not happening. It is funny that I can bend over backwards and do things for others and when they say “if there is ever anything I can do for you let me know,” and wouldn’t you know, I let them know…..and nothing.

I am a true believer that what goes around comes around and I may not be getting what I need from certain individuals in my life but I do have plenty of awesome family and friends that I can depend on at any time. Instead of dwelling on those that will not reciprocate, I am now going to dwell on those that do and be even more willing to help them out as well.

So today, before the first, and the last attempt at the test I opened up my blog page to one of my first few posts. The post has my list of what I am grateful for. I got my grateful rock and rubbed it and recited the list out loud and came back to my positive mind and I felt calm. Every time I felt the feelings I have been battling with all week I would take a deep breath and rub the rock and say something I was/am grateful for. I would immediately calm down and the questions seemed much easier on the test.

When I got to question 100 I took a deep breath, pressed submit, and BAM I passed! I just needed to get over myself and there it was.

I guess I just needed a reminder of where I need to be today and I need to make sure I am reading this list everyday and keeping my mind clear and I can do anything.

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1/2 inch loss!

Some people might read this and say “big deal it is only a 1/2 inch.”  This is what the old me would say too but not me today, today it is WHIHOO a half inch is a half inch!

So I guess I am maintaining my weight so far, better then gaining it.  I have been under a lot of stress with the move and surrendering our house yesterday back to the bank, etc.  I have been eating a lot healthier, cooking fresh food from scratch, so even though I am stressing, I have still managed to lose a half of an inch.

I truly believe the positive thinking that I have been doing has helped with me to NOT put the stress weight back on.  My stress levels are a lot lower then they would be if I was not working on myself.  If you want to know what I am talking about then check out my blog

Now, as soon as we get the boxes unpacked, I will be able to get back to my normal routine and see the weight loss happen faster.

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Saving my water damaged phone, anyone try this?

Well…I have had this phone since July and apparently you should not cook with your phone on the counter or take a shower with it in the bathroom because this can cause water damage.  of course this makes sense but why did I not think about it….the old phone were not affected by this.

Back in the  day of the first cell phones, before they became little computers, I would do these things with my phone and it would last for over 2-3 years.  Now I guess they are more sensitive.

I started a new job that gives me a discount on my phone service (22%) which is sweet for my monthly bill, however it takes two weeks once you register through AT & T for them to verify everything.  I can get a sweet new phone for $10 but it is $249 without the discount plan that my work gives me, argh!  I can’t wait 2 stinking weeks for a phone.

I was talking with the customer service agent and she said that a friend of hers likes to wash her phone quite  frequently and she turns the phone off and puts it in a bag of rice because rice attracts moisture and the hope is that it will take it out of the phone.

So here is my phone in a bag of rice, cross our fingers it works well enough to last me another 2 weeks.  The little square that is usually white behind the battery turns bright red when there is water damage.  Mine is bright red!  We will see the the button changes color after a few hours or a day in the rice.  I have attached the pic of the phone too and will take one after the trial time so we will know if it works.  She said it may have to be as long as 24 hours so if it does not do it today and will keep it in there all night!

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Finding the secret more and more

This is getting a lot easier and I wanted to share my Sunday experience (yesterday).

Like I said before in past posts, I am an over stressor and I freak out about little things.  Well at least I :DID” and I am slowly BUT successfully changing that habit.

Yesterday was day #3 for a class I was taking and I had to be there by 7:45am and no later then 7:59 am or I would be in danger of having to make it up another weekend.  I did NOT want to do that.

I got up early and made my coffee, took a shower, and ate breakfast.  I needed to leave my house no later then 7:15am to be at the location by 7:45.  I left at exactly 7:14am and was on my way. 

About 5 minutes down the road I just happened to turn around and take a quick look and saw that I had not taken out my 1 year old sons car seat for my husband to use later that day.  There is no way I could just not take it back home because he had somewhere to be himself and would have no other way to transport him.  I very quickly turned around and headed back home and by the time I got back home, unloaded the seat, and got back in the car it was 7:25.

Now, old Tawna would have bitched and swore and yelled at everyone and everything on the way back to the house and all the way to the class but NEW and IMPROVED Tawna did not do this.  I simply said out loud, “well I can’t change the fact I have to do this so I might as well not freak out about it.”  I then loaded an AC DC Cd in my car (yes AC DC calms me as they are the best group EVER. So on I went without freaking out.

I am NOT kidding, I did not hit one red light on the way back to the house or on the way to the meeting.  Even if the light was red I would start to slow and it would turn green.  I made it to my meeting by 7:48 am.  I really should not have made it that quick as it always takes me the full 30 minutes to get there.  It was so cool and I got really excited, yes it is the little things, every time the light would stay green or turn green.

Because of this I had a calm and stress free day.  If I would have not used this positive thinking that I am learning about I can guarantee I would not have made it in the time I did and I would have hit every red light because that is what used to happen!

I am loving this!

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Shared my Mormon/Utah heritage with Ohio yesterday!

OK so those of you from Utah will understand but my fellow Ohioins looked at me quite funny during my class yesterday.

I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night Sunday night and my baby toe was so swollen that it hurt to wear shoes with a toe.  I decided that open toe slip on shoes would be best.

The problem was that my feet were freezing the day before in class due to the air conditioner being turned to way to “freaking” cold.  I could not go without socks.  So, I did what I could do and wore socks with my open toed slip on shoes. 

Ha ha it was funny the reactions I got when I walked into class and my reply….well if you ever lived in Utah you would understand.  I am showing my Mormon/Utah side today.  I tried to explain how in Utah it is very normal to see socks with sandals and they just did not get it.  So in the long run I guess I looked like a dork but didn’t really care as my toe felt better and I did not have to pee every 15 minutes due to cold feet. 

Oh well!  I guess we take a little from everywhere we live right!

A shout out to all my Utah friends and family!!

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Looooooong weekend

Wow this weekend really through me off but I did not let it get me down.  I was at a class that last Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday and did not get much sleep, if any Friday night.  I was so tired Saturday and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I tend to eat about 2-3 times more then I should when my body lacks sleep.

I munched all day long on Saturday and ate at Wendy’s.  My munchies were not all bad, nuts, and rice cakes, but the spicy chicken sandwich, diet soda and skittles I ate and the amount I ate of the good stuff did equal to way more calories then I was burning.

Instead of kicking myself and doing the same thing Sunday I cam home and packed a lunch for Sunday’s class and still had some of my good snacks left and I brought green tea packets and a mug to warm up water in the microwave and did not leave the building for lunch so I would not pass anywhere that would temp me to buy bad sugary food just because I was bored.

I felt better Sunday but the lack of exercise is taking a toll and I am gearing up for a long walk today with the kids.

Glad that class is over!

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Exercise equipment does not have to be expensive.

Sometimes it is nice to have exercise equipment even if you can’t afford a gym like I can’t right now.

I have found a web site called free cycle and a friend of mine found a free miniature trampoline on it that was actually in great condition.

My husband went to goodwill a while back and found an elliptical for $50. We bought it and all it needed was s piece welded and since my husband is Mr. fix it it cost us $0 to fix.

We ended up selling the fixed elliptical for $80 as we had to downsize and could no longer fit it in the house.

I have found massive amounts of treadmills on craigslist for under $100 and if we had the room I would buy one.

If you like equipment there is cheaper options for you but you just have to do the searching!

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