Today has been full of emotions. I watched a video about the Sandy Hook shooting and it made me cry. The poor families who lost children…it breaks my heart. It always makes me think of my lovely Angel in Heaven and makes it so much harder to watch other parents grieve too.
Yesterday I received a letter from my daughter’s school. A family lost 3 family members in a house fire and all their belongings. It is just about 1-week til Christmas and a family is trying to learn to live without a Mom, Wife, Brothers’s…good lord it’s is so heartbreaking.
I have decided to try and donate what I can for the survivors and try to round up as many other people to donate as well. With just under $50 in my bank account for the next 12 days I can’t do much financially but I can pay-it-forward this week other ways. This is what my morning has entailed… Continue reading