WTFriday…butt enhancers at the gym?!!!

WTFriday imageToday I went to the gym and was quite distracted while on the elliptical.

Just like any other gym day, I headed in, found a machine, put the headphones in and got in the workout zone. My “zone” was interrupted with the girl who decided to use the elliptical next to me. She wasn’t a bad looking girl, in fact you could tell she worked out quite a bit. Then I noticed her outfit and BOY did that throw me for a loop.

It was one of those times when Continue reading

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Things to remind yourself of every day!

I found this image on Facebook a few days ago (posting it below). I have no idea who started it so please let me know who I can give credit too, if you know where it originated.

What do you think? Do you agree that we have the control? If you don’t then chances are you need to start taking control. Hard lessons to learn…has taken me over 40-years to realize that my thoughts do control my outcomes more then I ever realized.

Here is the things you should remind ourselves of every day. Continue reading

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Hump Day Coupon & Sweeps Share October 30, 2013

Hump Day CouponsHere are this weeks coupons and sweepstakes to share!

Some expire soon and some expire at the end of the year. You can always check out my coupon tab for these coupons and more!

Don’t forget to visit my coupon tab above for more coupons!!

Here they are: Continue reading

Posted in Coupons and Freebies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Hump Day Coupon & Sweeps Share October 30, 2013

Breaking the scale…almost anyway!

bathroom scaleI love my scale, it’s a great scale…it’s very accurate. However…I hate it too!

No matter how “great” a scale is, and how accurate it it…there is NO scale that is 100% accurate when you are losing weight! I now this, so why do I keep jumping on that stupid scale every other day…grrr. I so wanted to break my scale today!

So this is what happened today.  Continue reading

Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts, Scales | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How much box do you need…seriously?!!!

WTFriday image

I love to online shop. It saves on gas, time and a lot of Holiday Headaches. I probably shop online 80-90% of the time.

You would think that with online shopping being so popular that companies would try to send the item(s) in the smallest possible box or bag. It takes up less space and should be cheaper.

I ordered a pastry mat in the mail and look at the size of the box compared to the mat Continue reading

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Pay it Forward Friday!

Pay it forward picI am so excited to post my first week of pay-it-forward Friday!

This week I did a few things to pay-it-forward..

I walk to school a lot to pick up my daughter and I get so frustrated about all the Continue reading

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Over scheduling can hurt relationships

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MS Word Clipart

Something I have had a real hard time learning, and still am learning, is that over scheduling yourself to the point that you cannot keep up with your life is not a selfless act but really a selfish act. That may sound harsh, but it is my belief. Let me explain… Continue reading

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Hump Day Coupon Share 10/22/2013

Hump Day CouponsHump day seems like a great day to share some coupons if you ask me!

There are a lot of printable coupons/sweepstakes to share today so hope you find something you like.

Most of these expire within the next Continue reading

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Generic paper towels versus Viva

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MS Word Clipart

Let’s just say that I, as many others, try to save money at the store. I do by a lot of generic things and today I decided I would test the paper towels I have been buying.

I have two kinds of paper towels in my house. I have Viva Paper towels and a generic grocery brand. I have the Viva for smoothing out my butter cream cakes. The generic I buy for every day use. However, I think I am changing my tune on the generic towels.

I did my own experiment today. Continue reading

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Dance Mom’s giving us a bad name!


Most of you have probably heard of the show Dance Mom’s. I have danced for over 30-years and to be honest, it took me until season 2 to know that this show was out there. Being a “Dance Mom” I figured…”awesome…I will watch it!” Well let’s say I TRIED to watch it, but, it  gave us dance Mom’s a bad rap!

I could not believe how awful and horrible those Mom’s AND the teacher are. Holy cow! Honestly, what Mom, with a real brain would allow their kids to be put into that situation? What parent would stand for that kind of environment? I know the reason… Continue reading

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