Is Social Media sending you Negative Karma?


I love social media, to a point. When Facebook first become popular it was so cool and fun to find people you haven’t seen in years and share your life with them. However, in my opinion, social media, Facebook especially is turning to a negative battle field and I hate it! Actually it may even be a better to title this blog post…”Facebook for Bullies!”

It is nice that everyone has different opinions. If we all had the same opinions and views then this world would be boring and we would not develop new views, ideas, and even technology as we do. That is the nice thing about America, is we get to have our own opinion. However Facebook and other social media has turned into a Continue reading

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Pay It Forward Friday!

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You have heard the hype lately of people paying it forward? Well, I guess hype may be the wrong word. I think it is a great idea especially now that our country is in such turmoil and people need help!

I have decided to try and start a new Friday trend. I may be the only one doing this trend, but hope to bleed out into the world and have Friday be a weekly pay-it-forward day. You don’t even have to spend any money to pay-it-forward. You just have to give of your heart, time, or whatever you can afford to do.

Here are some examples of things that I have done or will start doing…this list will grow and I would love you to add to it too! Continue reading

Posted in Law of Attraction, Mental Health Journey posts, Pay it forward Friday, Positive thoughts/affirmations | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Pay It Forward Friday!

WTFriday…Going green?!

WTFriday imageYou would think with all the “green” talk these days that people would take into account that their trash throwing should be a thing of the past…but NO!

I have picked up so much trash over the past few weeks. When I walk with the kids, I will pick up trash, put it in the stroller, and then throw it away. It has been ridiculous how much trash I pass within a 1.7 mile walk! Oh and the biggest one…those damn Continue reading

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Surgery put workouts on hold…yuck!

DSC00829I haven’t posted about my 40-workouts for awhile and I still have about half the stack left. Reason is that I had to have surgery a couple months ago and was not able to workout for quite a while. Yuck…this has put on a bit of weight, but I get to start working out again Continue reading

Posted in 40 workouts, Physical Healthy Journey posts, Weight loss journey | Comments Off on Surgery put workouts on hold…yuck!

Does sending in FASFA cost?

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MS Word Clipart

I have been kicking around the idea of whether or not I want to go back to school. I am on the fence about it, but figured I might as well feel out my FASFA (student loan paperwork) just in case I decided to go.

I learned something today and I wanted to share before anyone else gets, or almost gets roped into PAYING to send in their FASFA! know for a fact that I have NEVER paid for FASFA in the past. I have a Master’s degree so I have probably filled out those forms about a dozen times. Heck…I filled them out before the Internet came to be.

I went to and filled it all out and BAM…they wanted around Continue reading

Posted in Beware, Beware of scams, Buyer Beware, Read before you PAY! | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Does sending in FASFA cost?

DNA Serum Review AND Giveaway…open World Wide!

Over the past month I have had the opportunity to try a new eye serum, called DNA Serum. DNA serum has been so kind to offer one of my readers a free tube too! After my review there will be an option to enter a giveaway for this new eye product (World Wide Giveaway).

dna serumNow that I am in my 40’s I have noticed a huge increase in my eye wrinkles, and that is not the most fun thing to see, so when I was asked to try this new eye serum I was very eager to see if it would work.

First a little about DNA serum, then GIVEAWAY time! Continue reading

Posted in Random Thoughts | 4 Comments

Weight loss, the right way….

This story I am about to share with you is from a very dear friend of mine. We have been friends for years and I have a lot of love and respect for her.

I love hearing stories from real people, with real,  true journey to health. No fads, surgeries or diet pills. Just a lot of will and determination…Here is MM story. I hope it inspires you as much as it does me!

Read all the way down…pics included at the bottom. Don’t forget that I want your story too if you have one to share!

Here is the story>>>

One day late last summer, I woke up and thought “I am too freaking fat”!  How in the hell did I allow myself to get this fat?  I know exactly how; I stopped exercising and ate whatever and whenever I wanted.

I was at 298 lbs. on that particular July day.  If the kids ran in the street, no way would I be able to catch them, before they Continue reading

Posted in Around the World Weight Loss, Physical Healthy Journey posts, Weight loss stories/Guest Posts | Comments Off on Weight loss, the right way….

Happy Birthday to my Truck and Car Fanatic!

DSC00929For the past two years my little man has been obsessed with Monster Trucks and has now added a new obsession of hot wheels…

I am sure I am not alone with a litte boy obsessed with these two things. Today is a special day! Continue reading

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Reebok Spartan Race…WIN TO RACE FOR FREE!!!


Have you heard of the Reebok  Spartan Race? Well I have not heard of it either until today and it sounds like it could be right up my alley, for myself, and my readers!

We do have a giveaway for someone to win a free opportunity to do this race but before we do that giveaway, let me give you a bit of info. about this awesome race! Continue reading

Posted in Giveaways, Races | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Positive Thoughts long overdue!

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MS Word Clipart

It has been a long time since I have posted a positive thought/affirmation. I have not lost it in my life though. I have struggled with it more lately and I know it’s because I have let the rest of my life take over my brain and I have not let it in as much as I should be. I go on a roller coaster of good and bad days. The days I remember to chill and make a point to add the positivity back are the good days. The days I let Continue reading

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