If you have any kind of website at all you have to renew the domain yearly. If you have a hosting service then you can do this right through the hosting service. I actually bought my domains for between $9.99-$13.99 per year through my hosting service.
The auto renew as well, if I choose them to do so for the same price I bought them for, so right now I pay about $13.99 per year for my domain and about $85 a year for my hosting service. I get unlimited domains with my hosting service and probably have 30-domains so it costs me about $5-$6 a year per domain to host.
What is the reason for this post…well, glad you asked…lol. It is about all the “Crap” “Spam” mailing I get and it makes me mad! So I got this letter in the mail last year. Continue reading →