71g2tDIGlEL._SL1000_I have had to totally take Insanity out of my workouts DVDs and I gave it to my niece. I have said before that this workout is NOT for the Non Fit or even the Semi Fit…it is for the FIT! This is why i had to get rid of it. Continue reading

Posted in 40 workouts, At home workouts, Beachbody reviews from a NON COACH, Workout DVDs | Tagged , | Comments Off on INSANITY is OUT!!!

40 workouts still going on!

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Like I said before, I don’t get to post very often due to by kids getting older and summer time so here is the last few workouts I have done from my stack of workout DVDs…Love most of them, not all of them so here is the breakdown. Continue reading

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Still plugging along

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Even though I have been on a strict workout regimen with my 40-workouts, and going to the gym when I can, I seemed to get slammed with the cold, flu and bronchitis from hell that is gong around. I am just ending week 4 of it. Goop lord this has been a long month. So I have worked out some this month but not nearly as much as I wanted too.

We went on a very long, almost 5,000 mile road trip near the end of May. We got very little sleep and I came down with this crud very early in the trip. I think with being in the car and  Continue reading

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Cartoon Soap Operas for KIDS…WTFriday??!!!

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I haven’t posted for a long time. I have been down with the nasty head cold, flu and then bronchitis, for just about a month now. Good lord it has been nasty. I have spent a lot of down time watching TV by myself and with the kiddos during my sickness and I have to say that I am NOT loving the cartoons these days.

I used to love cartoons when I was a kid but now I feel like I need to monitor the cartoon channel before I let my kids watch them. There are three different shows that come to question over the past month. Continue reading

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Government approved obesity

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My daughter feels deprived because I have made her pack her lunch all school year long. She asks me constantly if she can buy lunch and of course my answer is not just a NO, but an ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I think I was one of the few Jamie Oliver fans and I have been so “bummed” ever since it got cancelled. I loved that show. It was a nice slap in the faced to our governments school lunch choices. I am sorry that it took someone from out of our country to have the b@!ls to say something.

We as Americans keep complaining about Continue reading

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WTFriday…Adult Sticking out his Tongue!

UntitledOK this had been a weird two weeks. I have another really weird thing happen to me this week. I guess I must be attracting the immature losers out there because this kind of goes along with last weeks WTFriday moment, but this time I was on an escalator and it was my daughter and I again. My poor girl is going to think this world is full of freaks. Too be honest, I don’t think she would be totally “off” thinking that!

So this is what happened this week. Continue reading

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Family plans, really $10 per line…NOT!

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Have you seen all the commercials for the many cell phone companies and their offers for the $10 to add a line to your family plan? Sounds awesome doesn’t it? Well, I thought so too, until I added that $10 line and boy did it cost me!!!! Continue reading

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WTFriday…scare my kid…WTH!

UntitledToday was a very weird day…an honest walk with my children turned into a semi dramatic event. Some people need some lives as there are too many people out there that strive for negative attention and that is just sad, in my opinion.

Today’s WTFriday involved a truck, 2-men, and my daughter…well me and my son too but it was directed towards my 7-year old daughter. It was just plane weird. Continue reading

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Domain Registraton…Beware Before You Renew!

domain mailingIf you have any kind of website at all you have to renew the domain yearly. If you have a hosting service then you can do this right through the hosting service. I actually bought my domains for between $9.99-$13.99 per year through my hosting service.

The auto renew as well, if I choose them to do so for the same price I bought them for, so right now I pay about $13.99 per year for my domain and about $85 a year for my hosting service. I get unlimited domains with my hosting service and probably have 30-domains so it costs me about $5-$6 a year per domain to host.

What is the reason for this post…well, glad you asked…lol. It is about all the “Crap” “Spam” mailing I get and it makes me mad! So I got this letter in the mail last year. Continue reading

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Both my kids potty trained by 2 1/2!

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I have a boy and a girl and I have heard horror stories about potty training boys. I have been told for years that boys are harder and may not be potty trained til Kindergarten. With two kids the last thing I wanted to do was buy diapers for the second child for up to 5-years and I was grasping at straws to potty train him after his second birthday. I know that kids will train when they are ready but I also know and have witnessed some kids, who are ready, not be trained, because the parents were not wanting to put forth the effort. I actually had good luck with my strategy for both kids. Continue reading

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