24 years ago today…a milestone!

MS Word ClipArt

MS Word ClipArt

Awww memories. Some are heart felt, some are sad, but some are just funny. The day I got my drivers license was 24-years ago…exactly from today. Yes I did get my license on April fools day, it was a perfect day for it too  because I also got pulled over for the first time on that day too. Yes you heard right…first day of driving and I got pulled over. It did scare the crap out of me, but it turned out to be rather humorous. Continue reading

Posted in Funny Moments, Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

WTFriday…motorcycle smoker

UntitledIt was one of those instances where I had to take a double and a triple take because I was a wondering how this guy was pulling it off.

I was sitting at a stop light today and a biker guy stopped next to me. He looked the part too, leather, grey beard, big bike, but was having a little trouble as he came to a stop. Continue reading

Posted in WTFriday | 1 Comment

5th day of spring and a snow shovel!

car blogFirst of all I need to say I am sorry to the Midwest…it is my fault it keeps snowing.

We keep getting teased with nice weather every other week or so. Last week I was able to watch the kids play outside with sidewalk chalk, on the trampoline, and on their bikes. I vacuumed out the car the day before yesterday and decided that it was time the shovel be put away off the front porch and into the garage. Mind you, this will mark time #3 I decided to put the shovel away for the year. Continue reading

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Winners of parasite solutions giveaway

UntitledI have been running giveaways for a while now and for those that enter it is easy and that is good. If you want a lot of people entering then easy entries is the key.

What is not easy is picking the winners. It may sound easy, but to do it right there is a lot of work involved in first picking the winner, verifying their entry, and then waiting for them to claim the entry.

So this last giveaway for the Parasite Solutions from A-ZNutrients.com was not as hard to pick a winner(s). At first we were only to have one but we have actually chose to giveaway 2 bottles. So did you enter the giveaway and better yet, did you win? Well, check your e-mail or read below to find out… Continue reading

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Terrified to have a play date!

MS word Cliipart

MS word clipart

Having kids is great and I love it! However there is one thing that I don’t love, well actually fear a little bit…well actually more then one thing:

* Play dates

* Sleep overs

* Babysitting others parents kids

This may sound rather “crappy” of me and negative but there are good reasons for this fear. Continue reading

Posted in Beware, Kids, Rasing a family, Stupid Parents | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Can you lose weight by just watching your diet?

UntitledDiet and exercise have been preached about for years…

Eat less, eat more, eat carbs, don’t eat carbs, eat protein etc…it has been changed and battled for just about forever.

So can you lose weight by simply changing your diet to better foods? Of course. There are a few things to consider when starting a journey to health. The key is to NOT keep doing the same failed thing, over and over. The key is to try and try until you get it right. Continue reading

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My 3-year old loves belly dance

UntitledToday’s workout was a belly dance workout. It was very fun but before I give all those details I have to say something so cute. My 3 1/2 year old son came down to the basement while I was working out and saw the two ladies on the DVD and was like a deer in the head lights when he saw them…

“Mommy,” he says…”that is such a beautiful workout,” as he glues his eyes to the TV. “Yes it is,” I said. He is still eyes glued to the TV and says Continue reading

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Adding in the rest of P90X

P90X: Tony Horton's 90-Day Extreme Home Fitness Workout DVD ProgramWhen I first rounded up all my workout DVDs for my 40-workout journey, I initially took out all the ones that caused me to use my shoulder and back. So basically all the P90X but the Ab Ripper. Since I have had major relief of my neck and shoulder pain. (you can read my post about my pain relief here). I have decided to add the rest of P90X back into the pile, making my workouts even more. I really have no idea anymore Continue reading

Posted in 40 workouts, At home workouts, Beachbody reviews from a NON COACH, P90X Journey, Physical Healthy Journey posts, Workout DVDs | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Adding in the rest of P90X

100 letters update…much more then I expected.

Image from MS Word Clipart

Image from MS Word Clipart

I knew when I started this 100 letter journey, it would be beneficial, and it has exceeded my expectations so far. If you want to read more about this 100 letter journey you can do so here. This whole process is not something you can just sit down and “force” out the words. I have found that it takes some other form of thought. Meaning, I have no idea who I am going to write to until that minute or day, or what exactly I am going to say.I have found that if I think about Continue reading

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Turbo Fire HIIT 15

Today’s workout was Turbo Fire HIIT 15. TurboFire: 90-Day Intense Cardio Conditioning & Interval Training Workout DVD ProgramIt is only 15-minutes but I feel like I sweat and burn the same calories as a 45 minute workout…whew! These HIIT workouts are awesome. They are shorter and you burn 9 times the fat. It is a LOT of jumping but they are in 30 second intervals with rests in between so it is not too bad. It takes me a couple cycles to be able to really give it 100% but when I do I feel it…in a good way.

I have said it before Continue reading

Posted in 40 workouts, At home workouts, Beachbody reviews from a NON COACH, Physical Healthy Journey posts, Workout DVDs | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Turbo Fire HIIT 15