INSANE workout for day 2!

UntitledYes today’s workout was INSANE and from Insanity! Oh my lord Shaun T is totally insane. His workouts are top notch HARD! That can definitely be a good thing, especially if you have been working out for awhile and can handle it.

I have tried Insanity in the past and made it 30 of the 60-days. Then I got shin splints and had to go to an easier workout. I threw in some Insanity workouts into my 40-day workouts, but not a ton. Continue reading

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Goddess Workout Day 1 PLUS measurements.

UntitledToday was day one of my 40 workouts in 40 days and my first workout was the Goddess workoutGoddess Workout: The Warrior Goddess - Bellydance Beyond Basics. The woman in the workout is name Ophelia and she seems to be a pretty good belly dance guru. I am not and it was funny, but I could definitely feel the burn in my hips and abdomen during the workout. Continue reading

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No calorie counting or food pyramid watching

UntitledWatching food intake is hard enough and then adding calorie counting as an added pressure can just make someone want to quit. Even ME and I have an MS in Nutrition. Mind you I got the MS in Nutrition because I needed help so I turned to education.

I have implemented a new plan to go along with my 40 workouts in 40 days. If you want to know about that I have linked that for you here.

Now I need to dive deep into my own personal food pyramid. I am taking a newer, less stressful approach. My hypothesis is that I will make better choices and lose weight faster by using this approach. And it won’t be hard! Continue reading

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Sorry for duplicate posts to email

Feed burner, every once in a while, will pull and old blog post and e-mail it as new. Not sure why it does this but it did it yesterday again with the 12-days of Christmas giveaway that has ended. Sorry if you got this…again! I have deleted the past giveaway posts so it should not happen again!

Thanks for subscribing!

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40 workouts in about 40 days!

DSC00829I have been on a home workout DVD venture for MANY years and after years of purchasing these DVDs I have decided to do my own “muscle confusion” regimen. No group to join, no money to throw down…just me and my TV.

Here is what I am planning on doing. Continue reading

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January 100 Letters update

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MS Word Clipart

So I have not forgotten about my 100 letters in 365 days, I just have not been posting it on here very well. Busy time of year to start the whole process and I have a handful completed, now I just need to send them. Well and to be totally honest, I have been going through a mental slump and I am worried that my first few letters are not what I intend them to be. At first I decided to hand write all the letters but have decided that I am going to type them but sign my name to the bottom. There are two reasons. Continue reading

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189-204 OMG I about lost it(mentally)…literally

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MS Word Clipart

Well if you have been following me for awhile you will know that I am the queen of beating myself up when it comes to my body. I am the negative body-image queen and that is the whole reason behind this blog…to change that.

I got an injury about 4-months ago, and it is still lingering. I have no idea what I did, but my spine was all messed up and I could not move my arm or shoulder, well I guess it’s all related, without have severe pain.

I was not sleeping because it hurt so bad, which made me so sleep deprived and just bitchy. I was going to the gym 4-5 days a week and that went down slowly from Continue reading

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Christmas Decoration Workout

DSC00811I decided it was time to take down the Christmas decorations. Our living room is too small to keep them up much longer, or trust me I would keep them up all of January because I LOVE the lights.

I was trying to figure out how to enhance the whole take down process, by making it a better workout. I already have to run up and down the stairs it least 12-15 times so I decided to add more resistance to the process and put on some Continue reading

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Do you want it in the beginning or not at all?

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MS Word Clipart

MEN…If you are not going to keep it up, then don’t do it, in the beginning. What am I talking about? Many things actually.Let me step back for a minute. I got into this “talk” with my husband this past week. What inspired the conversation was the phone call he gave me earlier this week and he said to me…”do you want me to put gas in the cat before I come home, the car needs it?” OK so let me set the stage. It is 29 degrees outside and on the day he called we had also had 4 inches of snow. “DUH!” Yes put gas in the damn car, your in it now fill it! I don’t know how many times, since we have been married he has brought the stupid car home without gas in it, and I mean GAS LIGHT ON! OK so here is my plea to all married AND single men out there… Continue reading

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GC and CASGH Giveaway winners!

Wow that took awhile…but I finally got all three winners verified!!! It is surprising to me how long it takes to verify winners. I e-mailed 8 different people to get these 3 winners! Wow…

But now that I have my 3 winners I am not waiting any longer to congratulate them right now!

$50 GTC went to Megan R

$25 GC to Ron S

$10 Paypal CASH to Lisa L.

Congratulations! Thanks for entering!!!!

Let’s do another giveaway later!

Thanks to for hosting the giveaway!

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