Super Hero Squad Fondant Cake

So it was my friend’s grandsons ante birthday and he wanted a super hero squad cake. You know I have been “dabbling” in the cake decorating for a while and I knew I could pull this off so I offered to make his cake!

It was not really that hard. I use cereal treats for the buildings, and regular white cake with strawberry frosting in-between the layers for the base part of it.

So what do you think? Continue reading

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Get PAID to workout…really…No Joke!

Saturday December 10th! Log in to WOWY super gym between 1-2pm and workout! You could win $500 in Beachbody gift cards! Even with a FREE account, you can win! Winner’s in every time zone If U need a FREE account so you can participate sign up here!

Note: Your workout does NOT need to be a beachbody workout! It can be ANYTHING!

While you are there go ahead and commit to get fit by entering in the Beachbody Challenge…again for FREE! Yes it is all free because Beachbody has a goal and that goal is to fight against the trend of Obesity. This happens one person at a time. I was obese and they helped me lost 68 pounds so far. I am going to keep on to my biggest goal (20 more pounds) and even after my goal. I will NEVER go back to fat, lazy, excuse maker me! Look for this banner on your FREE team beachbody page or commit on mine using the link above. Here is the banner image to look for. In fact if you click on the image it will take you to my page where you can sign up for a free account under the “join” link AND/OR commit to the challenge by clicking on the banner on my web site.

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GFC readers will you follow me on Google Plus?

Hello everyone! 

Just a note to invite you to follow my blog(s) and on Google Plus.

The reason being is that Google Friend Connect (GFC) is being discontinued for my blog because it is word press and you will no longer be able to see me in your reader!

Please take a moment to follow and +1 my blog here on Google Plus! I would really appreciate it! Oh and if you do follower me I always follow back!

Thanks so much for supporting me of my blogs!

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How many more days Mom?!!!

It stars just before Thanksgiving in our house, what about yours? You know…the “how many more days til Christmas Mom,” question.

It is when our children are young, and do not have a concept of time, that this question may be cute the first few times, but sure can get annoying after a few days of it.

I have learned that there are some tricks to helping your kids understand, time, and here is mine! Continue reading

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Will you follow me on Google Plus instead of GFC?

Hello everyone!

Just a note to invite you to follow my blog(s) and on Google Plus.

The reason being is that Google Friend Connect (GFC) is being discontinued for my blog because it is word press and you will no longer be able to see me in your reader!

Please take a moment to follow and +1 my blog here on Google Plus! I would really appreciate it! Oh and if you do follower me I always follow back!

Thanks so much for supporting me of my blogs!

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

My cat food alternative

We went out of town for Thanksgiving and on the way home I remembered that we were out of cat food.

When we are gone, no more then four days, I leave enough food and water out, for my cats, to keep them going so I don’t have to bother my family or neighbors to come over and feed them.

I did use all the food to fill out 4 bowls of food, and just plain forgot we were out. It was after 11pm when we got home, and I was NOT going out to buy more food. Continue reading

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FREE Huggies Rewards code!

I have another couple diaper packs with codes. My son as been going through a lot of diapers lately and it is killing me!

Good for a lucky reader though cuz that means free code!

Here is today’s Huggies Rewards code! Continue reading

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Interesting stats about women and sleep aids.

I record Judge Judy, because she rocks and I always get the last 3-4 minutes of abc news. I actually like watching the end of it because it frequently has some cool health topics.

Here is what I learned today and wanted to share.

Women ages40-59 are the biggest users of sleep aids. Continue reading

Posted in Daily Health Tips!, Mental Health Journey posts, Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Boys come out with the video game gene don’t they?!

I have always heard that boys are pre-conditioned for video games and I never gave it a second thought.

It seemed silly to me that this could really be true but now I am not so sure I was right.

My son, who is only two-years-old, seems to be quite the “gamer!” We don’t even let him play very much, but when he does find the gaming toys, he seems to throw a pretty good fight when it is time to be done.

Check out this little gamer! Continue reading

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P90X2 pre-orders for ONE more day Only!!!

I wanted to take a moment and let you in on some incredibly exciting news:
P90X2™ is now available for pre-order! And this is gonna be one sequel that will definitely live up to the original! Building off the success of the number one fitness program in the world, P90X2 promises to be the most intense, effective, and rewarding workouts ever.

But a word to the wise: There are only a LIMITED NUMBER of copies available before the Holidays. The initial copies of P90X2 are guaranteed to sell out faster than lightning, so make sure to pre-order yours today!

I have lost a lot of weight with Beachbody workouts and love P90X. My P90X2 is actually being delivered this week!

If you want to know where to go to view and/or order P90X2 ten visit my other blog post here! Check out my before and after pics on that other blog too! I am almost to my big weight loss goal and I owe 990% to beachbody workouts!


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