Christmas Giveaway that will help u gain followers!

I have learned in my blogging experience that in order to get a lot of followers in a short period of time, or more followers, if you have seen a plateau is to become part of giveaways that will bring new readers to  your blog, FB, Twitter, etc.

People love FREE stuff…period. So I am inviting you to be part of a Christmas giveaway that I am doing too! I hope you will visit and see if this is something you would like to be part of. I have also included her button for the giveaway, and if I link it correctly it should take you right there.

Have a great day and Happy Early Christmas!!!

If this is not for you please share it with someone who may want to do it then PLEASE use my share buttons and share away. sign ups end on 11/15/2011


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Finally organizing and it’s helped my mood, big time!

Isn’t that a lovely picture of our lovely garage? We downsized a year and a half ago and our little one car garage is a storage unit and just bugs me, well bugged me!

We really want to move, out of state, and to a bigger house. The problem is that the un-organization was/is killing any positive vibes we want from the universe to help us in this process.

I have been reading a lot books and one thing they have in common is that they say, “if you want to move out of your situation, you have to take care of the one that you are in.” Continue reading

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FREE Huggies Reawrds Code!

I got another box of diapers so I have another Huggies rewards code to give to the first person that gets it!

You want it…Here it is! Continue reading

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Should I really say NO?

So my son has been a really picky eater lately. Well he was born picky. It is hard not to compare him to my daughter because she came out a great eater. She loves healthy food and even asks for cold water over juices.

My son is a bit, OK a lot harder to get to eat. If I gave him chips, french fries, and crackers, we would have no problems at all, but as you know, we are healthy eaters. So his taste buds are going to need to change or we are going to keep fighting. Continue reading

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Hello to a new week!

Good buy last week, I won’t miss you! You were stressful and now my new week is here and going to be better! Here is to a better attitude and positive attraction cuz this past week I messed that  up big time! Small dents are not going to rule my overall outcome. I am back!

Who is back with me?!!


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Everyone has a DOWN day and this was mine…NOT going to let it win!

Whew! This whole week has been rather stressful. It has felt like a 30 day week and today is only Thursday! I found this clipart, I attached, because I wish I could have put this on my door for this week but you know that won’t happen with kids around, places to be, school, etc.

I did have a food relapse today and I am not proud of it, but I know if I beat myself up too much this relapse will turn into tow days, then three, and then who knows how long. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning on my big goal to health.

Here is what I ate today! Continue reading

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My First Fondant Halloween Cake!

I was browsing around the Internet for some cool Halloween cakes. I came across one that I loved and did not totally copy it but did use it as a pattern. I wish I remembered what blog it was from because I would give them credit for the idea. I have searched Google and few times, using the name, in variations, that I thought it was, and I am wrong because I am unable to find it. If I figure it out I will come back and give credit where credit is due.

I was making this cake for my friends, kids, Halloween party. I hope it went over well! I have not heard if it did, but I am sure it tasted good.  How do you like it? Continue reading

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Maybe I could sell it on eBay and get it out of here!

eBay and Craigslist have become awesome places to get rid of the stuff you don’t want or need anymore and I love both of them.

This year I am wondering what would really sell on these sites.

I have something to sell, well rather something I need to get out of this house. So what do you think of this…will it sell? Continue reading

Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

You are what you eat…I can agree with that today, UGH!

You are what you eat, and they are not kidding! I feel horrible, but on my way out of this food coma!

I would add a cool image here but am not on my computer so it will be a plane Jane post for today!

I have been on a 3 day excursion with my awesome friend Heidi and it is not that we have eaten bad for those 3 days but I have not eaten like I usually do and it is now taking it’s toll!

I have kept doing my Shakeology for breakfast or lunch but had some movie popcorn yesterday and Mexican for dinner and pumpkin pie late. OMG I felt like a bloated elephant when I woke up this morning. It did not stop there. Continue reading

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Had to break into my house!

I was rushing out the door to get my daughter to dance and we had 40 minutes to drive 25 minutes so we were going to be early. We are never earl so i was happy we did not have to rush. I had the keys on the arm of the sofa and was taking things to the car…including the kids.

We all walked out the door and I locked it and closed it and, BAM, my keys were in the house on the sofa. Oh my hell! I dumped my purse and the extra key was not in there. I checked every window and they were all locked. I checked all doors and they were locked.

We have never given anyone an extra key and my landlord lives 45 minutes away and is out of town weekly. My husband was halfway to Cleveland so he was it least 90 minutes away…I was screwed.

I did have the garage door opening in my car so I opened it and found these tools and this is how I go into the house. Continue reading

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