My son has not been a good eater since he entered this world in 2009. It is hard to get used too as my daughter has been a great eater. I know every child is different however, this is hard to deal with in a house that eats a pretty healthy lifestyle. It is his cuteness that gets him away with it!
I know kids will eat when they are hungry and they don’t when they are not but this time he was having some real big intestinal issues and the poor boy just could not relieve himself…poor little guy.
For days he was trying too and after a half of a bottle of Miralax in his drinks, I needed to get him something to eat. Continue reading
Help from fellow Word Press bloggers…which captcha do u use?
Captcha’s argh!!! Which one to use.
I have tried the regular captcha plug-in and I still get over 100 spam messages a day! I don’t allow just anyone to register on my blog, which is frustrating because I want people to be able to register.
I then tried enmask captcha and people quit leaving comments because it was hard to read for one, and it would say “wrong code” tons of times and it would be right, for two!
So tell me fellow WP bloggers, what plugin works best for you to cut down on spam but not frustrate your readers to make comments. Any and all advice is much appreciated!