Really…I had no idea?!

The picture says it all? Really…I would never have guessed they caused excitement, whew! So glad they told me!

I just had to share!

Found this in the bathroom of a local bar in Canada. It was the only place to eat that was not the hospital cafeteria so I ate there. It made me chuckle and I thought “perfect to share on my blog!”



Posted in Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Daily Health Tip-Diet Soda for Weight Loss?

I have been posting Health Tips on my website for a few weeks now and thought I would share them here every now and then. If you want these daily then head on over to my website

Watch my Health Tip of the Day on the post (video) below.

If you would like to be reminded of this, daily health tip, simply sign up on my sidebar (at to receive e-mail updates to this web site. Videos will be uploaded into youtube and you may subscribe to my YoutTube channel as well here!

Visit my Daily Tip Archive Tab ( to view past tips

Here is today’s video tip! Continue reading

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Transfering RSS from blogger to word press

Transferring my RSS Feeds was one of my biggest worries…ever. I spend DAYS researching it because I did not want to screw it up.

Well after blog hopping and forum hopping I decided that it was time for me to just bite the bullet and do it.

What I learned from others really did not help me at all. YouTube and other blogs wold be really outdated and I would get really frustrated.

This is what I did. Continue reading

Posted in Blogger to Word Press Merge | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Talked myself into being too tired!

Sick family equals sick Mommy and tired! Getting up in the middle of the night and then trying to function for the rest of the day, especially during a workout, can be rough.

There are many things I have learned in my health journey and the mind is the biggest lesson of all.

We have so much more control then we realize and we can talk ourselves into feeling like crap, headaches, sickness, and tired.

Even though I know this, I found myself doing this…AGAIN today. Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health Journey posts, Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Do you need a paid word press theme?

There are a ton of Free and Paid word press themes out there on the Internet. There are free themes you can search right from your word press dash board as well as other sources on the Internet.

I read a lot and talked to some at a blog conference and was told I would need a paid theme. Well…I have not had to have a paid them yet and I really don’t see a “need.”

I read forums that said you had to have a paid theme in order to had AdSense or html on you page. Not true. Continue reading

Posted in Blogger to Word Press Merge | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Great Positive Thought!

I got this from facebook so I have no idea who to credit. It may not be an original, from me, but I soooooo agree with this!

I used to think I “can’t” lose with or I “can’t” be as awesome as person ________. Can’t is such a stupid word! This is why we do not say it in our house…ever! We don’t allow it because the word “can’t” is not a true word. You CAN do anything you want…but WILL you do it?

If you say it, hear your kids say it, or here anyone else say it, call them on it!

Have a good one!


Posted in Mental Health Journey posts, Positive thoughts/affirmations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Moving GFC-Google Friend Connect from blogger to word press

Moving your GFC followers from our blogspot domain to your new purchased word press domain is very easy!

All you have to do is log in to your Google Friend Connect page. If you have a google account, which you do if you are on blogger, then all you have to do is sign in.

Then you find your blog on the left sidebar. If you have more then one blog you will see them listed on the sidebar. Click on settings and a screen comes up with your blog URL. Simply make sure that your purchased domain name is in the URL so take the blogspot out.

Then go back into the overview tab of your friend connect account and there is a button on the top that says “add a members gadget.” Pick your colors and size of the GFC widget you want, get the code and copy the code. Continue reading

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If your Trainer is not positive, you won’t be positive either!

I LOVE Turbo Fire as I have said before and the other day I was doing a workout and i just had to share again, another reason, why Chalene Johnson is my absolute favorite trainer!

Chalene got me hooked first from her Turbo Jam DVDs Turbo Jam Beachbody 5 Rockin' WorkoutsI LOVED them and still do.

Then I got TurboFire Complete Deluxe Workout DVD Program: 90-Day Intense Cardio Conditioning & Interval Training and now I am hooked again, as I have said a million times. But she does something different in Turbo Fire that has me even more hooked.

If you read this blog on a regular basis you know about my positive journey. I am weeding out negative influences in my life and trying to fill it with positive things. Something Chalene does in her new Turbo Fire is promote a whole lot of self-esteem and positivity and it really helps me keep motivated and keep going. Continue reading

Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts, Workout DVDs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to transfer your domain from blogger to word press

Your hosting service should make this pretty easy for you and it should only take a minute or two to complete the process. I did however, find a way to screw it up. Not so bad, but I did.

They list the transfer service as free however it is going to cost you another $10. This is how it plays out.

You transfer it and the third step it asks for $10. Now this is a $10 fee for the domain but it just means that you get it for a second year. So it is your renewal early. Confusing…yes, but not so bad. I bought my domains back in April and so by bloggers terms I would have had to renew it in April of 2012. Now I merged in July so now instead of April 2012 my domains are up for renewal in April of 2013. That is what the $10 is for when you transfer. so it’s not really a fee, it’s really just an early renewal. Not sure why they do it, but I don’t have to worry about another $10 until 2013 so that is fine with me.

So, how did I screw this up. Continue reading

Posted in Blogger to Word Press Merge | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

My HEALTHY option to my PMS chocolate cravings!

Today my PMS is so bad, that if I saw someone eating chocolate, I would probably run them down and still the chocolate right out of their hands. It is a good thing  my kids do not have a candy stash in the house because I don’t know if I could control myself today.

Doesn’t this chocolate in the picture look AWESOME! I could eat chocolate every day, and at every meal! Seriously! I have to control myself not to buy it by the pound when I go to the store and especially during times of PMS. I am in love with chocolate. In fact if I had to choose to sleep with my husband or with chocolate…well, need you even ask…Chocolate!

Today is bad. I got 4 hours of sleep because of a diarrhea dog and child and I am PMS-ING (is that even a word?) big time! I am getting my chocolate fix for lunch and so not feeling guilty about it! Continue reading

Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts, Recipes (Healthy) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments