Your hosting service should make this pretty easy for you and it should only take a minute or two to complete the process. I did however, find a way to screw it up. Not so bad, but I did.
They list the transfer service as free however it is going to cost you another $10. This is how it plays out.
You transfer it and the third step it asks for $10. Now this is a $10 fee for the domain but it just means that you get it for a second year. So it is your renewal early. Confusing…yes, but not so bad. I bought my domains back in April and so by bloggers terms I would have had to renew it in April of 2012. Now I merged in July so now instead of April 2012 my domains are up for renewal in April of 2013. That is what the $10 is for when you transfer. so it’s not really a fee, it’s really just an early renewal. Not sure why they do it, but I don’t have to worry about another $10 until 2013 so that is fine with me.
So, how did I screw this up. Continue reading →