Creating your Word Press blog before domain transfer

So I bought the and three months later I was ready to transfer my domain over to host monster and with the word press plug-in. I, of course, wanted to create my blog first so I had somewhere to import my blogger posts.

Now if you understand about temporary domains, all the lingo was in my hosting company, then you can do it that way, with a temporary domain. This is how I did it because I am not computer savvy.

Domains are only $10 a year so the initial buy of the .com was not so bad. I decided that the best choice, for me, was to by my domain name in .net or .org or anything that was available. If I was not going to be able to find it with another dot? I was just going to buy any random domain because it only takes a minute to change it. Continue reading

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A long overdue positive thought!

I have been slacking on the positive thoughts. Probably why I have been struggling lately.

Today’s thought:

“If you want something different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself.” Author Unknown

Kind of goes along with my health tip I posted on my website yesterday about the definition of crazy. I am going to post that here too. I think I am a little crazy the past few weeks.

Here is my video:) Enjoy! Continue reading

Posted in Daily Health Tips!, Mental Health Journey posts, Positive thoughts/affirmations | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

It’s 2:00 AM and I am still cleaning!

It is 2am and how nice is it that MS Word Clipart actually has a clock picture that shows 2am?! Let me give you my run down for the last 2 hours. Yes I have been trying to go to bed for the last 2 hours!

The dog had diarrhea all over her pillow, so I had to change that. The baby (2 year old) also has had diarrhea all night so being a nice Mom, after I washed and cleaned up after the dog, I decided to check the baby. He was asleep but I was not going to let him sleep in poop all night. Continue reading

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First thing to do before merging from Blogger to WordPress

Domain name! First and foremost. If you have not purchased your domain from blogger yet then you should. Then you need to wait about 3 months before you can transfer the domain to your new hosting service. There are a couple reasons for this.

You need to get your blog off of blogspot so when you do switch your google rank and search engine searches to not plummet to ZERO. So this blog use to be and I bout the domain I then tweeted and shared my old posts over that 3 month period. I am not totally sure if that helped but I figured if I was inviting readers to my older posts on my new domain than maybe it would help the process go a bit faster. Continue reading

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Merging from Blogger to Word Press 101

I was told by MANY that it would cost me lots of $$$$ to merge my blogger blog to paid word press. I had a fear, pretty early on, that my blog would become deleted due to the horror stories I heard from others who had their blogs deleted for no reasons.

I had my first blog from just about 2 years and my second blog for about 6 months less. I was actually quoted from one company $600-$700 to move both and another company was about half of that.

I was told that the number of posts made a difference. They both told me that it costs more for more posts because of the time it takes to move them etc. I also got many quotes from other companies that were a bit less but all in all the average price was well over $100 per blog to start and about $150 per blog in the end.

I was also told that I HAD to have a paid word press template, the free templates would not do. So that was another $70 per blog, it least. Continue reading

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Storing my summer/winter clothes so they are easy to get out

I like so many others, have to store off season clothes due to space. For years and years this task would seem impossible and I would dread it.

Taking the clothes off the hangers, putting them in a box. Then taking the new clothes out of the box, put them on a hanger, repeat.

A couple years ago I had an “AHA!” moment. It seems to silly now but it totally has made my life worth while and will take me all of 30 minutes to change my summer clothes to winter today. Continue reading

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Back to the vet…again!

This is straining my positive vibes big time as we have to head back to the vet again today. It has been 6 days of utter “heck” in our house and I am feeling the tension and I so need to release it!

Look at that poor dog’s face? Now that the pancreatitis is almost over, 6 days later and she still limps a bit, now she has a “hot spot” underneath her neck that will NOT stop bleeding. There is one little pore that no matter what you do to it it just bleeds, bleeds, and bleeds. It is not like it even bleeds a lot but just enough to make me worry and it soaks through anything and everything. Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Do you like “RAT” Music?

This made me laugh and I need something to make me smile this morning so I am making a quick post about it.

The other day my daughter and I were driving in the car and a rap song came on the radio station and my daughter says, “Mom, do you like rat music?”

I said, well I like some rap music but I have never heard of rat music, did your dad have you listen to an older group named Rat?”

She says “Mom, this is rat music on the radio right now.”

Me “Oh sweetheart you are too funny, it’s called Rap music.”

Her, “Mom, it’s called Rat!”

Me: “Again sweet heart, it is Rap music, you just heard it wrong, it sounds like Rat but it’s Rap. Continue reading

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I need help keeping positive today:(

 My dog has been “off” the last couple days and yesterday I took her to the vet. There is something really wrong and I won’t know until today what it is. I did get to bring her home but she is lethargic and sad and more then anything…hurts. I did not get her in early enough yesterday so they have to do all her tests today. My poor dog! She is my girl and it is killing me not to know what is going on with her.

I guess I am posting this because this is putting a huge damper in my positive outlook today. She looks so sad, it’s killing me! 9:00 is not getting here fast enough. To try and kill some time by blogging as I am not able to sleep. I am thinking too much! Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

My Newest Workout at Home and DOWN 4 LBS, yay!

So my newest at home workout venture is Turbo Fire. I have been doing it 4 weeks now and have finally sat down to post about it.

It has been busy around here with my daughter starting Kindergarten so the blog posts have been less:( Maybe next year when she goes more then 2.5 hours a day, I will feel the satisfaction of having some Mommy time during the son’s nap.

I will break down the workouts in future posts but wanted to report my stats, as they are pretty exciting! Continue reading

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