90-day FIT Challenge!

I am looking for 5 people and 5 people only to do a 90 day FIT challenge with me. No excuses allowed! First 5 to message me and accept (after I send you info.) are in and then it’s closed until the next 90 days! E-MAIL ME FOR INFO to coachtawna AT gmail DOT com


Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Why do we think kids need so many toys? I am DONE!

When I was young we had a handful of toys and we were fine with that. It seems now that kids, mine included, have more toys then I did my entire childhood. This is what I walk downstairs too daily, it’s the play room.















I am so done with this play room. The kids do not even know what they have in this playroom anymore and you can see that as it is jsut one big cluttered mess! So this is what I did.

Go to page 2, at the bottom of the post, to read the rest

Posted in Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Too many naked men in my life…seriously!






Image from Chumpy’s Clip-art

I was having a conversation with some friends a while back and it ignited some, not so fond naked men experiences in my life, so I thought I wold share.

There actually have been a couple instances but I am only sharing one of them today as they make me want to throw up when I think about them.

This one happened when I lived in Utah and was in my early 20’s. We would like to roller blade Provo canyon every Saturday morning and one Saturday we got an eyeful of unwanted scenery.

Go to page 2 to read the rest!

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How pouring the soap, taught me a lesson…No kidding!

This may seem funny to some but in my young age of 40 I have learned that I really do not care what others think and I will share it anyway:)

I had a little “break through” while pouring this soap today. I was pouring the refill into the pump and I had to wait while for it to pour so it did not get all over and become wasted. This little daily task, made me think of my positive journey and my venture for maximum mental health.

Curious? Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A better “pick me up” then coffee, in the morning or afternoon!

I have been guilty of the coffee in the afternoon too and I always hated the way I would “crash and burn” after about an hour or so of drinking it. I have found a better option and it’s yummy chocolate! I share it with everyone I know and my great and awesome friend wanted to share it too after I had her try it. She even let me video her…here it is!

This stuff really does work, I drink it every day for lunch now and I get a lot more done because of the added energy. No more crashing around 2-3 pm for me. I feel so much better. Oh and I have lost 2 pounds in just 11 days of drinking it, of course along with my Turbo Fire workout.

Email me with any questions or share with a friend that may benefit from this video. We are all in this together, “this” being the fight to end obesity! Amen to Health!



Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

My Fondant Train Cake…I am proud of it!

My son turned 2 a couple weeks ago and is way into trains.  I had to make his cake and I found the most awesome pan on amazon. It is a train muffin pan. How cool is this?

It is a muffin pan and worked GREAT! (picture of full cake at the end of post of course)

Anyway, I wanted to make a chocolate cake but knew that this train would be a lot cuter decorated with a white or yellow cake so I made the muffin pan a yellow cake.

Go to page 2 to read the rest of the post and see the cake!

Posted in Cakes | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

A great tip for shoppers who like to find the best deal.

When you are trying to buy a specific product, it can take hours or days to find the web sites that sell them. Then you have to take time to make your own comparisons. Become.com is a great shopping web site that helps you cut down your comparison shopping time, and helps free up more time for yourself.

Look at these three products and see how easy become.com makes it to compare. Electric fireplace, Fireplace screen, and Throw pillow covers. There are a ton more too!

Your time is worth something and I love that I found become.com to help me save time. I do not have to sacrifice other important things in my life, especially during the upcoming holiday season!

Posted in Reviews | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

My Daily Health Tip

So I have decided to run a daily health tip on my health and fitness website and want to share the first one with my readers on here and invite you to come check them out Monday through Friday, every week. It is something I want to start doing and hope it will last for a long while on my web site http://FitAfterBabies.com

Here is my first Daily Tip, posted from my web site, enjoy!

Watch my Health Tip of the Day on the post (video) below. Continue reading

Posted in Daily Health Tips! | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Wednesday is a good day, for most!

I LOVE Bob and Tom, I am not going to lie. They make me laugh!

I do not get to watch them as much as I would like but a few weeks ago, I did get to listen to them on my way to the Bloggy Mom’s conference in Cincinnati and I learned a really interesting statistic about Wednesday. Continue reading

Posted in Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Would you really feed this to your child?

Festivals are not my favorite place to go and there are many reasons. The biggest reason is the food. It is all over priced, FAT, and bad for you and I refuse to feed it to my kids.

I guess I am the last one to know, because this food has been around for a while now, and I just heard of it. Since I am not a festival fan, I am assuming this is why I am the last to know. Want to know what it is, then read on.



Continue reading

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