Kids like it too!

My daughter has been begging to try the Shakeology for months and so I decided to let her today. She starts school tomorrow and goes in the afternoon so honestly this will be great for her to drink on the way as it will keep her full for her entire 3 hours of kindergarten. Here it is!

Have a good day!


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Latest post from my Random thoughts blog: Public bathroom pet peeves, Only kids can get away with this

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A pet peeve with public bathrooms!

OK it’s time to share one of my little pet peeves I have when it comes to public rest rooms. Other then finding a wet toilet seat when walking in (heard of wiping it down?!) I have a toilet paper pet peeve. My friend Terry at My Journey with Candida would totally agree!










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One last good bye:(

I have not been posting in about a week. So many emotions have gone through me and I have sat with a blank stare at the computer, as nothing seemed oh so important, other then my Aunt J.

When you have to say good bye to someone that means so much to you, life seems to sit at a “stand still.” Well, for me it does.

It was about a week and a half ago that I called to check in on her and did not get the news I anticipated. She was admitted to the hospital and not coming out.

We knew the melanoma would take her eventually but after a clean bill of health, well as clean as it could be, back in April, we really did not expect it so soon.

Emotions roared and I knew that I HAD to go see her, come hell or high water.

With just about $20 in the bank and plane tickets just over $1,000, this seemed almost impossible. It was time to put my positive thinking and positive law of attraction to work. I told my other aunt, we will call her A, that I WAS coming and that was it.

This is how it played out. Continue reading

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My two newest Youtube videos

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Redirecting my nervous energy.

I am gearing up to head out of the country, to Canada, to visit my Aunt. Sadly it will be the last time I see her and I am absolutely heart broken about it.

For the first couple of days I sat and cried, and cried, and cried. I felt horrible, of course, and I really believe I needed that couple of days, but now it is time to be happy and think  of all the wonderful things I have had with her.

She is an amazing person and has influenced me a lot in so many positive ways. She is an Author, a Mother, an Aunt, and just an all around wonderful person.

So as I sit back and look at the past year and a half on my journey to health I realize that making my nervous energy, while I wait to see her, to keep me up, instead of down, is going to be key. Continue reading

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Only kids can get away with this!

My daughter is too funny sometimes. I took her to her friends birthday party in Kentucky and I had her wear her swimsuit under clothing just in case we went outside. I asked her get her pajamas on before we left and gave her her PJ’s. I forgot to give her her underwear and she came out of the room all dressed and ready to go.

I got to doing “my thing” to get ready to leave and was taking a  bunch of stuff out to the car. I had a few boxes to take out to the car as I had made the cake for her rock star birthday.

Do you like it? Continue reading

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So who is the one responsible, you are them?!

You always here that the first step of admitting you need to change something is a break through, and it is, but is that the end of the journey…No, you need one more step and that is…ACTION!

How many times have you (including myself, believe me) bought a workout, joined a gym, or grocery shopped for food to start a new diet? This list could go on but you get the idea.

Once you have these things, how long do you do them or implement them into your life? I dare say that there are times that I have had all the passion in the world for something, did everything I could do to get it and…I caved!

Here are some examples, from my life.

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No flip flops in the movie theatre please!!

My husband and I do not get out much alone and when we do we try to take full advantage of the evening.

We have been waiting for awhile to see Harry Potter because babysitters are few and far between and we did not want to be at the movie with the millions of others so we waited a few weeks.

We got to the movie theater and it was awesome! We were the only ones in there until about 5 minutes before the movie started and then a family came in with two children and another couple, by themselves. Not a big deal, it was in a huge theatre and we were so happy to have an almost empty movie theatre experience.

Well…this was short lived. The night was rather frustrating and it all had to do with a young girl who was, I would guess, between the age of 10-13 Continue reading

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My P90X review, easy to find now!

I made it easy to find my blog posts solely about P90X. I added them to my review tab on my website, in the order of posting them. If you want an easy way to follow my P90X journey it is listed here on my web page!

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Workout ideas for at home!


I posted this mini workout schedule in my Weight loss/FIT challenge and thought I would share it with everyone! If you want to visit my challenge on FB the above image should take you right there. If not enjoy these free workout tips!

If you have not ordered your Beachbody workout, here are just some suggestions to pick from if you don’t have an idea of what you want. These things I have done and still do now. Change it up and do something different every day if you want. 6 days a week exercising.

Also, make sure you talk with your doctor when you can and make sure you do not have any workout limitations. I don’t know your health record so I am assuming you are free to workout how you would like. Here are 3 options now. Continue reading

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