Cancer and Money sucks!

This is just a venting post to make me feel better. I hate cancer. I know I am not alone on this one. I am losing my awesome aunt to it and I am unable to see here and all because of damn money. It is killing me and I am sitting here trying to figure out any and all options to get there, but when you have a $1300 plane ticket staring in your face it is hard to even believe that it can happen.

I don’t have much time and my gut says “get in the damn car and drive!” It would take about 20 hours but I am contemplating it big time. The issue is that it will cost me about as much to drive in the long run as one plane ticket. What the hell am I suppose to do now.

Sorry for the depressing post, I just needed an outlet tonight and I have this blog, so this is the outlet. I hate cancer and I hate money tonight.

I hope you are all having a better night then I am having right now.


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New vision poster DONE makes me feel happy!

I have made a few vision posters in the past and just updated it. It is not something that you only make once, it is something that needs to be updated when your goals change. Mine change daily, however I only change it about 3 times a year. So here it is and after the picture I will explain what I changed and why.










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Weight loss challenge anyone game to do it with me?

OK so watch the video and then let me know if you would like an accountability partner to do this with. Oh and by the way, it’s FREE to do if you already have a Beachbody video. If not you only need ONE workout routine. If you are interested let me know via e-mail at coachtawna at gmail dot com and I will help you get signed up for FREE and we can do the challenge together! I can also help you find the workout that fits your personality best, I have done pretty much ALL of them over the years. I NEED accountability partners, I hope someone is game!

Here is the video Continue reading

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My hubby actually had a funny/witty comment to me! Doesn’t happen much.

From MS Word clipart







I dislike reptiles A LOT especially snakes! I would use the word HATE however we don’t use that word in our house so dislike is as close as I can describe my feelings towards them.

My husband said something funny about this in the car the other day and I had to share because he is not always the wittiest man but he was this time and it cracked me up. Continue reading

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Smoking around kids…really?!!

I know people smoke and that is their right however, there has to be a point where common sense has to be taken into account.

I just cringe, and it is everything I can do not to go “off” on people when I see them smoking at my kids play grounds and while they are pushing their kids stroller. There are other places too but these are the last couple I have seen lately and it just makes me want to punch them out!

Smoking is a choice…right? So why are these certain people taking that choice away from their kids, or my kid, by smoking where these kids are? Really? Does this make any sense?

Here is my last escapade at my pediatricians office that happened to me a few weeks ago and I am finally getting around to posting it. Continue reading

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Clutter is NOT helping with the positive energy!

We moved into a smaller house a year ago and we still have stuff, stuffed everywhere! Not like we look like hoarders but it never looks real clean, just kind of clean.

I have been on a great journey to health, as you know cuz you are here, and my mental health is being influenced, negatively, by my clutter!

Here are a two pictures of MY clutter, yes they are actual pictures of my house. It’s not like its horrible but enough that it bugs me. And of course there are many more clutter places in my home.







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FREE Shakeology Samples, I have 18 to give away!

I have 18 Shakeology samples to give away during the month of august! first come first serve, US only!

Visit my web page to find out how to contact me for ONE chocolate sample! Here is my page

Once they are gone, they are GONE for this month!

Have a great day!


Posted in Physical Healthy Journey posts | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Making his dorm room a little less boring

Guest post written by Allison Sparks

I guess that they don’t really try to make dorm rooms look that great when they’re building them. The purpose is to house students, it’s not like you’re trying to woo buyers like with an apartment or a house. Last time when we moved our oldest son into his dorm room, even after we moved all of his stuff in there it still looked pretty plain and boring. So I told my son who’s going to be a freshman this fall in college, that he should also come up with some stuff to hang up on the walls and make it feel more like home.

We looked around online for some good posters for him to hang up on his walls and while we were doing that about a week ago, we ran across the website After we looked through it a little bit, I decided to switch over our home internet service to it.

He ordered a few movie and video game posters that we’re going to take. But I learned last time to take poster tape instead of regular tape, which my older son got charged for because it ripped paint off the walls. I knew that he would use his brother as dorm room inspiration.

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Tips on how to “land” your next job

I wrote this on hub pages and wanted to share!

Tips to help you find your next job-career

Source: MS Word Clip-art

Are you the type of person that waits for the job to be “posted” before you apply? Do you find yourself missing the job posting, by just a few days, weeks, or even months? Do you really have to wait for the job position to actually post, to apply?

In my experience, waiting for a job to post, may hinder you in receiving your “dream” job, or any job in general. Here are some steps in getting your resume to those places that you would really like to work at.

Read the Rest here!

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Where are the parents?!

Why is it that there are some parents out there that think it is everyone’s responsibility to watch their kids except them?! Seriously…I was at the mall and I saw kids everywhere, and hardly any parents, near them. Continue reading

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