HUGE obstacle this time, can I keep positive?!

Image from photobucket

Sometimes I end up writing the same themed post on a couple of blogs of mine and today is one of those days. They just fit hand-in-hand.

My Random thoughts blog I posted today about how my insurance company wants to deny my surgery from December AFTER they already approved it. They actually told me today that they made a refund request to my doctor and so far the hospital is not getting paid the $52,000 owed for it. My whole detailed post is here

How this affects my positive thinking is HUGE!
I am trying so hard not to let this get to me and say over and over “it will all work out.” However to be fully honest (because you know I am) I am freaking sacred! We make well under $50,000 in this house and we break even EVERY pay check. How the heck can I pay this?!!!

I am saying my affirmations today, praying, and trying desperately to keep the smile on my face.

Any suggestions you have to help me get through this mentally, until things are totally figured out is appreciated. I need the psotive vibes coming big time today!

I hope you are all ahving an awesome day!


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What the heck am I going to do, this is bad, very bad?!

I just have to vent here because I am beyond speechless (well I guess not totally speechless)!

I got a letter from my previous insurance company saying that my claim has been denied. I had InterStim surgery done on Dec 7, 2010 and it was suppose to be covered. I actually told my urologist before the surgery that I could not do it, if it was not covered. They told me “we will not do it if it is not covered.” I said OK, so you will send it through my insurance and if it’s denied you will tell me?” they said “yes!”

Everything was fine and good to go. I had the surgery done and I figured everything was fine. I even called the hospital to make payment arrangements for my 20% and they said that the bill had not come through yet so I could not start making payments yet. Now it is April and still not set.

I got a letter today that said it had been DENIED! OMG,
I just sat there with my jaw to the floor. There was a hug number for what I owe and it is just above $52,000!! yes you read that right 52K!

I immediately called my urologist and they said they got paid back in Feb and to call my insurance so I did. As it stands now she said they actually requested the money back from my doctor and she could not make heads or tails of the “vague” notes on my account. I simply told her, there is no way I can pay this, I was assured the surgery would not be done if it was not covered.

Now I wait for a call back from the insurance company. What am I going to do if I have to pay the $52,000?! Hospitals can garnish up to 60% of your wages. We make under $48,000 a year for a family of 4 and we break even every month. I am just sitting here going, WT….!

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent today. I am literally sick to my stomach. I so don’t know what I am going to do!

I hope you are all having better days!

UPDATE posted on 4-29-2011

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Blog Hop Week 12

Rules are easy, there are only 2:
1. Follow HOST blog and CO-HOSTS through GFC
We are the top 3 links of the hop!
2nd Co-host CHANGES weekly so be sure to follow new co-host if you link up weekly!
2. Grab the button and put it in a post, sidebar, or blog hop page and let us know where it is. This will help the hop grow and gain us all new followers. It’s a Win, Win for everyone!

To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.

Please play nice and follow our simple rules!
HOP is open
 Thursday night at 10pm to Sunday night midnight EST!
I will randomly pick a blog from this blog hop to be next weekends co-host! If I offer it to you and you do not want to co-host then I will pick another!
If you WANT to co-host please e-mail me.
2nd Co-host CAN CHANGE weekly so be sure to follow new co-host(s) if you link up weekly!

Please make sure you Follow the top 3 links of hop 
if you want you link up!
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My Daughter SOOOOOOO embarrassed me! Whew!!!

OMG I just have to tell you that today my daughter totally embarrassed me! We were at a local shopping center and they have a huge fountain that the kids can play in and it was so nice today I thought it would be a good day to go.

My daughter, who is 5, had a GREAT time. She laughed, she squealed, she got drenched! She had the best time.

We even found the Easter bunny and for the first time in 3 years she was not too scared to get a picture.

Then it happened….our great day turned into DRAMA!

So she has had this little bump for a couple weeks on her knee. I kept checking it and it really just looked like a little pimple so I left it alone. When I took her to the restroom at the shopping center I noticed it was 3 times it’s size and red. It looked very sore. I could also see the teeniest, tiniest speck of dark brown in the center and thought “that’s odd.” So what do I do..well….I took my finger and scraped it off and low and behold I pulled out a 1/4 inch wooden splinter out. Apparently her crawling and playing on our hard wood floor had taken it’s toll on her knee.

You would have thought I was committing murder in that bathroom stall, OMG! She screamed bloody murder at the top of her lungs and I swear that I heard a couple people walk into the bathroom and then immediately out! I could not get her to stop! She whaled and screamed for 45 minutes straight. Out of the restroom, into the car, the whole way home and then some. She has been limping on her leg ever since! Oh the Drama of a 5 year old girl.

I am sure that people were looking at me going “Woman quit beating your kid!” It was horrible. Not even 2 minutes ago my daughter looks at me and says “Mommy, is it done bleeding?” I said “YES!” She says “oh it feels good then!” Me “%$%^&*R$$@##@!”

Oh the drama. It is over, the swelling is gone and no more bumpy splinter. Lesson learned…next time wait til we get home to harm the children!!

Peace everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!

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Food Revolution is BACK! WHIHOO!!

I am so excited because Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution is back!

Image from Photobucket

I love this show and I hope that he helps change our government issued crap food to food we can actually pronounce!
I watching this season (only have seen episode 1) and I am thinking WT….LA pull your head out.

If you have nto seen this yet than head over to ABC and watch! I can’t believe how they are pushing him away. We have an “obesity epidemic” and the superintendent and all his little buddies are acting like there is not problem with the food in our kid’s schools? Are you kidding me? Have you seen the processed crap we are feeding our kids? Have they not got the clue that Type 2 diabetes is no long called “adult onset!” Why…well, kids as young as age 5 are getting Type 2 Diabetes! It is because of our stinking processed fast food. And we wonder why we have an ADHD epidemic in the US. I strongly believe that 90% of it is from lack of nutrition.  Not lack of food but lack of GOOD WHOLESOME NUTRITION!

This topic gets me so steamed up! Why would we, as US citizens, take this lying down and let the government feed our kids this crappy food?! This is just another very good reason why we need LESS government and more PEOPLE!

I hope Jamie does something good in LA and that it will trickle down to the rest of the states! If Jamie comes to Ohio I will be first in line to support him!


Peace everyone and happy eating!


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$20 CASH Giveaway!

OK so I am not to proud to beg!
Image from photobucket

I entered my husband and I into a Disney sweepstakes to renew our vows and I NEED people to vote to win! So as I sit here thinking how bad I want to win this I thought of adding a little incentive.

How about a $20 CASH USD giveaway?!
Image from photobucketSo this is the easiest giveaway ever and all you have to do is vote for your entry and come back and tell me you did. The sweepstakes does tally the votes so I will know people actually vote when my numbers go up.

My entry is on this link–60565/ and all you have to do is click on “vote.” Well will require you to create an account but you can always delete it after and your vote will still count. You can vote once a day til the contest ends on May 9, 2011. So every day you vote is 1 entry into the $20 giveaway. Giveaway will also end on May 9, 2011

The winner needs to have a paypal account. That is just the easiest way to pay.

Thanks in advance for voting and for entering my $20 giveaway on my blog! Feel free to follow me GFC too and if you let me know I will throw in another entry for you!

Please leave me your e-mail or I cannot contact you if you win!
I will used to pick the winner and the winner will have 48 hours to respond to me to claim the prize and if no response I will pick a new winner until I pay someone the $20!

Entries in a nut shell
MANDATORY ENTRY: Vote for me here–60565/ make sure it says tawna6988 as the user name. 1 entry per day that you vote!

Extra entries:
Follow me (this blog)GFC-1 entry
Follow me on Twitter (leave you ID) – 1 entry
Tweet the giveaway MAX 3 per day and have to be at least 4 hours apart, and please leave link

Have a great day!

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Finally more positive thoughts!

Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. It has be hellish busy around here with two kids birthday parties and more on my plate then usual. My daughter is taking dance as usual but also started t-ball practice 2 days a week. I am trying to find a “groove” that works, but have not yet, but I am getting there!

Here are some long awaited positive thoughts!
I keep my mind focused on peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then, I can’t be distracted by doubt, anxiety, or fear. –Edith Armstrong

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. –Albert Einstein
I so need both of these today, that is why I chose these to post!
I have let a little frustration get in the way of my journey lately and that is so not a good thing. I reaped the non-benefits for that as well. It was/is not worth it. I am slowly getting back. I am sure that when I get a new schedule figured out it will help with my mental attitude as well. This last week and a half I have felt so discombobulated. I know I should not let it get to me and now I am making a conscious effort to not let it get to me! Life happens, let it Tawna!!!
Hope you are all have a wonderful day!

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Waiting to plant my garden, spring keeps teasing me!

Where are you SPRING?!!!!

I so want to plan my garden and every day that it seems to warm up I think, “is this a good day?” I planted a whole bunch of fresh herbs 3 weeks ago as it was above 70 for 3 days and wouldn’t you know it….BAM freezing weather for another two weeks = dead herbs!

I have lived in many cities in different states and the weather is the same every where, hot, cold, hot, cold, CRAP!
So the warming we have had this week lasted jut over a day and now it is cold again, argh! I want to plant my garden. I want to eat fresh and not pay the supermarket high prices for crappy produce!

Anyway, maybe I will get my garden planted by the first of May! Here is positive thinking for warm weather to get here and stay soon!

If you cook with fresh herbs and vegetables it cuts down on salt, big time! It also is better for you in general! If you have never planted a garden, start with growing some herbs first. You will be surprised how much better your food tastes with fresh herbs added!


Have a great day! On my way to do some Plyomtriics now! Yay P90X!

Get all your Beachbody inforamtion and purchase optins here!

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My 4th Fondant cake

This is my 4th cake! My daughter wanted a ballet birthday and I made this cake for her. I am taking a cake break for awhile!

If you want to have the fondant recipe and how to do it then visit my First Fondant cake post here! I made a 3rd one which I did not post on here because I totally forgot to take a picture of it. It was for my daughter’s family party and it just all happened so fast but it was not that great anyway. So here is number 4!

Thanks for taking a look! Sorry I have not posted for a few days but my daughter’s bday lasted for 4 days and I was/am totally worn out!
Posted in Cakes | 3 Comments

Week 11 of P90X=DO OVER!

Well you know me I am always honest and I would have loved to write a post about week 12 however I have to admit that I only did a couple days of week 11 so far and I am not OK with doing it half so I am redoing week 11!

There has been so many obstacles this week and I am simply worn out! I am not a quitter though so I am still going to go strong.
This past week and into the weekend we have had 2 birthday parties for my daughter who just turned 5. The family party and her friend party which was yesterday and both my husband and I are just plane worn out. We spent a day cleaning before EACH party. Getting presents ready, food etc. I do not just buy cakes and food I MAKE it all, the cake, the rolls for the sandwich’s etc so it takes me a day or two longer to get ready. We really have to cut corners on money so I am the scratch queen!

Was it all worth it…oh yes. My daughter Loved the entire week (4 day bday party it seemed like). But you know, when you are young birthdays are so important and she will always remember that she had good ones! And we did not break the bank to do it.

So my P90X did suffer and that is OK because I am back! My sons birthday is not til the end of August so no more bday obstacles for me!

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend! I am glad to be back to normal around here!

Oh and by the way, I made the cake but did not even eat a bite! I also gave it all away. Saved my daughter and son one more piace each and have no more cake in my house! I do have to say that I love making them!

For ALL your Beachbody products and information please visit here!

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