My 2nd fondant cake!

Hay I am getting better!Here is my second attempt at fondant cake and I think it looks pretty good! The bow is 110% better than my first one and the second one is not lop sided. Adding the second tier is hard so I decided to get a grasp on a 1 tiered cake first and then attempt the added tiers later.

Below is a comparison between cake 1 and 2
Cake 1

Cake 2

The bow is definitely puffier and better then before and it was a lot easier to decorate since it was not my first time. I got a lot of compliments on it too.

If you want the directions on how to do the fondant cake, including the blow check out my first cake post here!

Next week is cakes 3 and 4! I really am finding this therapeutic big time. I like doing it and the entire second cake cost me all of $6 to bake it and decorate it. This cake wold be sold for $50 plus in the bakery.

Next week is my daughter’s 5th birthday and she is getting two parties. I will post them for you next week!


Posted in Cakes | 11 Comments

Blog Hop week 10!

Rules are easy:
1. Follow my blog and 2 Co-Hosts through GFC
2nd co-host changes weekly so be sure to follow new co-host if you link up weekly!
My Journey With Candida
Co-Host-2 Frogs & Snails & Puppy dog Tails
BWS tips button

2. Grab the button and put it in a post or on your sidebar and let us know where it is. This will help the hop grow and gain us all new followers. It’s a Win, Win for everyone!

Please play nice and follow our simple rules!
Last rule:
Follow and have fun meeting new and amazing bloggers.
HOP is open from Thursday night at 10pm to Sunday night midnight!
2nd co-host changes weekly so be sure to follow new co-host if you link up weekly!
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My Glass is Half FULL!

My glass used to be half empty but now it is half full!
Here are a couple quotes to share today and then some more from me(of course)!
Pessimists calculate the odds. Optimists believe they can overcome them. –Ted Koppel

Researchers find that optimists live 19 percent longer than pessimists. –The Oregonian Edge column

Wow so now that I am changing my outlook I am going to live 19% longer, cool! I want to see my kids have kids so that is fun!

I have said before how negative I used to be and what a horrible life I would be having if I was still that way! I can’t imagine another 40 plus years feeling the way I sued too. I would not want to live that 19% more being the way I used to be. I love seeing the glass half full now instead of empty!


I hope you are all having an awesome Thursday!


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Homemade syrup, great when you are in a pinch!

We were out of syrup last weekend. I forget to buy it all the time because I only allow it in our house to be eaten one day a week and that is on Sunday’s.
Instead of running out the door to the store I just threw together a quick batch of easy syrup to get us through for the morning German Pancakes. This is all you need:
Brown sugar
Imitation vanilla

 Mix even parts of the sugar and water and whisk together.
Bring to a boil and turn heat off and then add 1 tsp vanilla

Then I decided to poor it into the empty syrup container but you can serve from the pot if you want

It is rather runny but it does the job in a pinch. It is not my favorite to eat all the time but like I said it does work when you need a quick resolution.
This is something I learned growing up. We were quite poor so we ate this syrup a lot. I think it would be a lot better if there was a better way of thickening it other then adding corn syrup to it, plus it makes it so sweet!
Anyone else have a homemade syrup recipe that I could try next time? If so please share it with me. I will add it in a new post to and link back to your blog!
Have a wonderful day everyone
Thanks for stopping by!
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P90X END of week 10 today!

This is just a real quick post about my week 10.
PhotobucketI have had so many ups this week it has been awesome. Hitting the 10 pound plus weight loss mark, the loss in inches alone in week 9-10 were the same as my first 9 weeks, it has been awesome!Week 11 starts tomorrow and I am on fire I am so pumped!

I get to grocery shop, wal-mart shop, and play with kids today. Is it a “REST” day? Maybe for P90X but not for me. You know what though….I feel awesome and I am ready for the day and not dreading all I have to do.  Se what being healthy does for you, me, and everyone? It makes us feel good and want to be happy about things we have to do!

Have a wonderful day and happy exercising everyone!

Thanks for stopping by today, I love it that others stop by and read what I have to say! I love comments even more!

Posted in P90X Journey | 4 Comments

Feeling tired and not motivated today but won’t let it stop me!

If you follow my other blogs at all you will know that my son has been the sleepless monkey for the last couple weeks and I feel tired! I have been still working out though but it is hard.

He was leaning in for a kiss on this picture, hence the funny look, how can I let that get me down? I can’t. I will prevail. I will have energy today and I will work out! I can’t stop now, I have too much into this to let my head win today!

He is not getting a nap today so hopefully he sleeps all night and Mommy will feel good tomorrow. It least it is Kenpo today, one of my absolute favorite work outs so that helps.
I have noticed with P90X, even though there is a strict schedule, it won’t kill me to  go off the schedule now and then. Like yesterday, I was suppose to do Yoga (my least favorite and the longest workout) and being over tired I was not into it. I just switched up a couple days. This has worked a handful of times. I am still doing muscle confusion, I just may switch up my week to accommodate my mood. So today is Kenpo and I will do Yoga, that I missed yesterday maybe tomorrow or keep it for Friday if it takes a couple nights to feel good again.
Have a great day everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and reading! If you weren’t I’d just be writing for myself and that is not nearly as fun!
If you ever have questions about Beachbody or want to make a purchase and I have motivated you in any way, my hope is that you will visit my page to get your information or purchase:) Thanks!
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My kids a mirror image of me/us…..YES!

It is funny and exciting to see how your kids grown up and the things that they do. We think “aw where did they learn that?” Well…..from us!
I got a couple of cute snapshots this week of my kids and one looks just like his Dad and the other looks just liker her Mom! Can you guess which?

I had to laugh because both were engrossed in the TV when I got the pictures. My daughter was even sitting like I do. She has hot chocolate though,not coffee of course and my son…it took 3 pictures and me standing in front of him for him to even notice I was there. That is his Dad to a “T!”

I don’t complain about this because we have become a pretty active family in the last year so our kids actually sit on the couch a whole lot less then before and most of the time we are running and playing. This is too funny to see little mini me’s.

Thanks for reading today!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, it’s hump day!

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Do we focus on what’s wrong or what’s possible?

From this
Images from photobucket

Here are a couple thoughts for the day. And because it’s my blog of course my opinion and my journey is always attached:) LOL

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. –Charles Caleb Colton

We often spend so much time coping with problems along our path that we only have a dim or even inaccurate view of what’s really important to us. –Peter Senge

I love these quotes that I find because they are all very close to home for me. As i have mentioned before I was a good one at always playing the “victim” so I did not have to take responsibility for a lot of things in my life. I think that this goes hand in hand with the second quote I put on here. If we are always playing the victim then would it not make sense that we are problem focuses too? If all we do is focus on what is wrong then how can we ever see what is good.

This is MAJOR in my journey. This alone has changed my world almost a full 360 degree turn!
Have a positively positive day everyone!

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A letter to my 17 month old!

My dear son:

You have chosen not to sleep for the past 2 weeks and it is making Mommy very tired. Last night being up at 2:30-6:00am was not the  best time for Mommy to be a Mom, I was/am tired. It is a good thing God made you so sweet and cute because I will take sleepless nights so I can hold my beautiful baby boy, even if I am half asleep doing it.

Just think, if I was not blessed with children then I would be rested but lonely. God has blessed me with beautiful children. I may be slpeepy but I am happy and loved!

Now dear Brahnan, I will not give you a nap today. Can you please sleep tonight?

Love Mom!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Watch your Bill Payments like a Hawk! They may not be going to your account!

DOWN THE  Photobucket

There have been 3 times in the last 7 days that I have found out that my payments towards some of my medical bills were being paid into a big pool and not to my accounts.

I have collections on 2 of the 3. One was suppose to be on a payment plan and I did not know for the last 17 months it was NOT.
I have received NOTHING in the mail at all, not even a bill. I just assumed I must have signed up for paperless bills so I did not worry about it. I knew the amount was going to take me a long time to pay off so I just let it go.

Another doctor changed who takes his payments and my checks were getting forwarded to, who knows where. No one can find them. Third account, well I paid it in full and got a collecitons letter today. Called, research etc and found that it is just going to the hospitals big pool. Not credited to any account in particular just the hospitals bank account. My information is on the checks including my acccount number so I ask “What is the problem?!”

Just thought I would spread the word to my fellow friends. Make sure you check the status of your accounts constantly! Open EVERY letter and read everything. You never know if you have or will be in the same boat as me.

My credit score is down a ton because of one of the hospital accounts in particular and it should not be affecting me negative at all. Now I am fighting to get it off my credit and act like it was never there. How easy do you think that is…NOT!

Have a wonderful day everyone! Happy bill paying!!! ha ha!


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