Negative people must not like positive people very much

I have to share something that I just noticed today, but has been happening for awhile and I just realized it.

I know that I have told you before about my friend weeding and I have actually found that I really have not had to make much of an effort to do this lately.
I have noticed that my “negative” friends in my life are not really making a point to keep in touch with me either. I am thinking that, what makes sense, is that when you are unhappy, happy people just seem to irritate you even more and make you uncomfortable, so you leave them alone. Is this making sense to anyone else out there?

I know that I used to vent about such happy people in my life when I was angry all the time. So maybe now my positive outlook is driving those nuts that are not on my same path. Too bad isn’t it? I wish that everyone in my life was on this same journey, it is just such a happier place to be!

Not that I am bragging and thinking that I am the “bomb” or better then anyone else. I am merely stating what seems to be happening in my life and I can’t complain about it. Maybe one day those old friends will see my change and want it too and we can reconnect again on a more positive note and build each other up instead of bringing each other down. That is my hope anyway!

I hope you are all having a positively positive day!


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Martch madness WINNER of Cook yourself thin cookbook!

Thanks for all who entered. picked #76 out of a possible 83 for the winner of my
Cook Yourself Thin cookbook!
Number 76 is Snow!
Winner has claimed pirze!!
Have a great week everyone!
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March madness cook yourself thin faster cookbook! picked #42 out of a possible 47 entries for my Cook Yourself Thin Faster givaway

Number 42 is Lisa! 
Winner has claimed prize! Thanks to all who entered!
Congrats Lisa!
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So I am getting invites to this and am wondering if tis is legit. Anyone heard about this company VirtaPay?

I did sign up, because I did not have to put in any secure informaiton about myself so I knew that nothing like a bank account, SS#, Credit Card, are connected. Anyone heard good or bad about this paying system? It is not launched yet but they claim that you will be able to shop on line and pay with them, like you do with paypal.

I would like any information anyone has on this.



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Getting more limber and stronger thanks P90X!

My husband and I are now 3 days into week 9 of P90X and we are both getting stronger and more limber. There is one stretch in particular that is just the death of me and I do dislike and and mainly because it hurts like a mother to do it. It is the quad stretch. For the first weeks of P90X I could grab my right leg, but not my ankle and I could not grab my left leg at all. I spent the entire stretch trying my hardest.In the past few weeks I could finally start grabbing my leg on the left and had cinched to my right ankle. NOW, and this is so unbelievable tome, I can actually grab the top of my foot on BOTH sides! Looky here!

It is still a little more uncomfortable on my left side when compared to my right BUT I am doing it! This is just one of many things that have changed for me during y P90X class.  We have just over 3 weeks left and I feel great. Will this be the first and last time I do this…NO?! I do want something different for awhile just for a change up however I will do the more intense version (2nd one out of 3) after a few weeks of something else. I can feel a difference and I get compliments ALL the time that I look good! What more could I ask for?!!

Anyway, keep a look out for more updated pics of me coming sometime this week. I did have some taken, by my 4 year old, and they were so blurry I had to delete them. Guess I need to remember to take them when my hubby is home so they turn out. I can’t fault her though because my 4 year old has taken a ton of pics of me that I have successfully posted.

Love you peanut!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

OH and check out my measurements tab, I updated them today too!

Posted in P90X Journey | 7 Comments

Why I make the best JELLO ever!

I do not like it when jello gets that chewy bottom too it at all, you know like the jello jigglers? I have had so many times int he past where the bottom of my jello sets like that and if I scoop the jello out of the container and forget, and scrape the bottom, I about gag when I get that nasty chewy part.
It took me a lot of years but I finally came up with an easy solution and it minimizes and actually most of the time, makes that nasty chewy layer non-existent.

First I add the jello into a container, like normal and add the hot water (bubbling and boiling!)

I let it sit there, after I stir it, for 3-4 minutes and then stir it again and add the cold water, like you are suppose too. The only difference I do is then poor it into another bowl!

When I poor it into the new bowl I notice in the first bowl and grainy layer on the bottom of the container that part of the sugary part just does not seem to dissolve, hence it turns into the nasty chewy part.
After it set I still may experience the nasty layer there but if I eat this jello within a few days time it does not seem to be there at all. Any jello gets harder the longer you let it sit, I just do not like mine that way from square one.
OK so there you go! That is my cooking tip for the day!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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Positive thought a little late in the day but it’s here!

and all because I am letting myself accept myself!

Today’s thoughts
Positive anything is better than negative nothing. –From The Road to Success is Always Under Construction

What you see is what you get! –Geraldine (a.k.a. Flip Wilson)

Don’t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened. –Dr. Suess
The second one is/was the hardest for me! What you see is what you get! We have all heard this before and for some reason(s) there are many of us that keep trying to change into something that can never be. Why is that? For me, before my journey, it was the fear that I was never enough.
I went to school for 10 years, got a BS and a MS and still was not satisfied. I was never quite sure why but I just never felt that “finished” feeling. Of course it is great for us to better ourselves but that is not what i was really doing.
I always felt like I had something to prove and I kept saying “well if I just do this then I will feel worth while.” The problem is that I was/am already worth while but I kept letting my head get in the way and telling myself that I needed more! Now I have a $56,000 student loan and no job. Of course I chose to be a stay-at-home Mom right now but if you would have asked me 10 years ago if I were to be one I probably would have said “I have more goals than being a Mom, jeez!”
I am not putting this out there to offend anyone, this is seriously where my mind set was. I always thought I had to have all the pressure of school, career etc to feel like I was worth a darn. Since I have been on this positive energy journey I am realizing that I AM good enough and that I AM worth while.
I always said I would get my PhD in the past but you know what….now….no way! I am not in any way shape or form ridiculing those that have one, I am just saying that my reasons for wanting one were not right and I am not going to let myself get back into something that I really do not want to do.
Do I regret getting an education? Oh NOW WAY! I believe education is important. I justt wish that I would have been OK with myself back in school and the years prior. Maybe I would still have the MS degree, who knows, but maybe not. Who knows where I wold have ended up. I know that I would be in the right place regardless.
I see things in such a different way then I did before and I love it. I am finally starting to believe that “what you get” is just fine!
Have a positively positive day!

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Youa re telling me that the "warranty" does not cover my phone issues…what?!!!

OK so I have had nothing but a headache with my tilt 2 phone. Don’t get me wrong, I love AT&T for many reasons but these past few months I have had a hard time with my phone.
It has freezing issues and I believe this is from being a windows phone with a whole bunch of “crap” on it that is not needed. I NEED a windows phone for my new business so I do not have much choice in the matter. However, my new business is going to web based software in the summer and all I can say is Hallelujah!

The company has granted my warranty a number of times and they have actually not fought me too hard on it so I can’t complain about that either. What I can complain about is this:

I called on my 3rd tilt 2 phone and told them the freezing was better, not gone, but better when I did not install the FB or Twitter on it. She said “well your warranty does not cover those programs so just don’t install them.” OK well I guess I won’t because I like how it runs better but this is my argument. The phone it self comes with both FB and Twitter shortcuts on the today screen , out of the box. Now if you are telling me that I should not run them then can I make a suggestion?  Don’t put it on my today screen because to me that is advertising that this phone can handle it! Point!

Am I the only one that see this point? The warranty does not cover it is a little disheartening for the same reason. If this was an application that I added to the phone myself I would so totally not have issues with the warranty not covering it. This is NOT the case. The phone comes with these on my opening screen so for me this is just as good as someone saying “this phone can handle them so use them!”

Well it did not take care of the freezing problem totally so I got a new one, this is #4 and guess what….it freezes too. Did I install FB and Twitter, aw no. So will I be calling again on Monday? “YES.” I will then be taken through on the trouble shooting mumbo jumbo I have done numerous time. Will I accept a tilt 2 phone again as a replacement? “NO!” I am so not being nice again. This wold be phone 5. Do you think its me? I don’t think so! They freeze out of the box. HTC even has a service pack for it on their site but it does not work either.

Again, just to be clear. I do not dislike AT&T at all and have had the best service I have ever had talking around my neck of the woods and everywhere else including Canada. I have more good then bad to say. My biggest gripe is this warranty issue. I wish my company was gong to web based software NOW and not waiting til the summer, argh!!!!!

have a wonderful day everyone!

OH and the March Madness 75+ blog giveaway ENDS TODAY! Visit my TAB on the top of my blog to enter! Entries are FREE!
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Blog Hop week 8!


Rules are easy:

1. Follow my blog and 2 Co-Hosts through GFC

2nd co-host changes weekly so be sure to follow new co-host if you link up weekly!
Click on “read the rest of this post” to link up and/or find new blogs to follow!
2. Grab the button and put it in a post or on your sidebar and let us know where it is. This will help the hop grow and gain us all new followers. It’s a Win, Win for everyone!
Please play nice and follow our simple rules!

Last rule:
Follow and have fun meeting new and amazing bloggers.

HOP is open from Thursday night at 10pm to Sunday night midnight!
2nd co-host changes weekly so be sure to follow new co-host if you link up weekly!
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I still need a “CHEAT” day every now and then.

Darn those girl scouts for selling cookies, at dinner time, in front of the grocery store. I am not a cookie fan except when it comes to these girl scout cookies!

There are no other girl scout cookies that tempt me but these do and if you notice they are open, in the shopping cart. Yes I had a guilty pleasure yesterday AND I ate the whole box in about a 4 hour period. OK so I am not perfect! I know that. I can’t remember the last time I even had a girl scout cookie so I am so not feeling bad. They were good and I won’t have any for it least another year or maybe longer.
My shopping trip, without kids, and awesome coconut chocolate cookies was awesome!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Now off to do my workout!
Update on P90X:
Just a little note: I am still gong strong on my P90X workout. Today is week 8 rest day and tomorrow is the beginning of week 9! Can you believe that, time is flying by?!
More posts about my progress to come!


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